Here are the details of the annual meeting of the Credit Institutions Committee

During this meeting, the Committee issued a favorable opinion on 2 circulars and took note of 5 regulatory directives in the areas of governance, customer protection, digitization of financial services and mobile payment, said a press release from Bank Al Maghrib (BAM).

In the field of governance and customer protection, this concerns a directive relating to the prevention and management by credit institutions of the risks of corruption, a recommendation relating to the taking into account of the gender by credit institutions, of a directive relating to the terms and conditions for the closing of demand accounts and of a directive setting out the methods of informing credit applicants, the press release specifies.

In terms of the digitization of financial services, this is a directive setting the minimum rules for outsourcing to the cloud by credit institutions, adds the same source.

The committee issued a favorable opinion on two circulars relating to mobile payment. This is a circular modifying and supplementing the circular of the Wali of Bank Al-Maghrib n°6/W/2016 relating to payment institutions and a circular modifying and supplementing the circular of the Wali of Bank Al-Maghrib n°6/W/2016 °7/W/2016 relating to the methods of exercising payment services.

The Credit Institutions Committee also took note of 9 draft circulars specific to collaborative financing activities in the loan and donation category pursuant to Law No. 15-18 relating to collaborative financing and falling within the scope of supervision of Bank Al -Maghrib, the statement said.

Chaired by the Wali of Bank Al-Maghrib and includes a second representative of this institution, two representatives of the Ministry in charge of finance, including the Director of Treasury and External Finance; two representatives of the professional association of banks, including the president; the president of the professional association of finance companies; the president of the professional association of payment institutions and the president of the national federation of microcredit associations, this Committee’s duties include giving its opinion on the regulatory texts governing banking activity.




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