Sweden will officially apply for NATO membership

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15h18 : “The government has decided to inform NATO of Sweden’s desire to become a member of the alliance”said Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, during a press conference. “We are leaving an era to enter a new one”according to the Swedish leader.

3:10 p.m. : Sweden officially applies for NATO membership.

14h14 : Such “enlargement of NATO does not constitute an immediate threat (…) but the deployment of military infrastructures on the territories of these countries will of course lead to a response.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin considered that Finland’s and Sweden’s membership in NATO did not constitute “a threat” per se, but that Russia would react to military deployments.

1:15 p.m. : At 1 p.m., here are the three essential contents of the day:

Almost three months following the start of the conflict, some Ukrainian refugees have already returned home. But for others, the return remains impossible. This is the case of Jane, who arrived in the Paris region in March with her two daughters, and our journalist Marie-Violette Bernard met.

The dry and hot weather worries farmers, especially those who grow wheat. Bread, a staple food, might suffer at the end of the chain from a drought, while inflation is already galloping. Marie-Adélaïde Scigacz explains in this article why the drought might get us in trouble.

As the Cannes Film Festival opens its doors tomorrow, a documentary, Girl Power, by Léni Mérat, shines its spotlight on the emergence of women in cinema and their struggle to exist. It will be broadcast tonight on France 2. Isabelle Malin offers you an extract.

12h36 : “We are committed to our global community and must remain adamant regarding our values”justifies the CEO of the group Chris Kempczinski. “Respecting our values ​​means we can no longer keep the Arches [le logo de McDonald’s]” in Russia, he added.

12:01 : It’s noon, what to remember from the news?

• Will the new Prime Minister be known today? Nothing is certain. “Normally it should be that. But who really knows?” said a ministerial adviser to franceinfo. Follow the situation in our live.

• Applications for NATO membership from Sweden and Finland are a direct consequence of the actions of Vladimir Putin, declares to franceinfo Camille Grand, Deputy Secretary General of the Alliance.

• A new measure is lifted. From todaythe mask is no longer compulsory in public transport. We summarize the health rules still in force here.

Former footballer Tony Vairelles was sentenced to five years in prison two of which were suspended by the Nancy court for violence with a weapon committed ten years earlier when leaving a nightclub.

11h56 : Some Ukrainian sources, on the contrary, accuse Russia of staging Ukrainian prisoners of war following transferring them to Mariupol yesterday. “They are presented as Azovstal fighters but the regiment continues to defend itself”write several Ukrainian Telegram channels.

11h54 : Among the approximately 1,000 Ukrainian combat soldiers trapped under the bombs, nearly 600 would be injured, recently indicated Sviatoslav Palamar, deputy commander of the Azov regiment, also pleading for their evacuation.

11h56 : In Mariupol, a dozen Ukrainian soldiers left the Azovstal factory with white flags to demand the opening of negotiations with the Russian army, says the commander of the Russian Vostok battalion on the Rossiya 1 channel. Be careful, however, because this information has not been confirmed on the Ukrainian side.

10h59 : Applications for NATO membership from Sweden and Finland are not “not an escalation” but one “defensive measure”, declares to franceinfo Camille Grand, Deputy Secretary General of the Alliance. “In any case, it is a direct consequence of the actions of Vladimir Putin”he believes, “because they consider that the security situation in Europe has changed profoundly”.

10h54 : Russia is compiling documents in order to launch an official investigation into military biological activities in Ukraine in the near future, says Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov.

10h39 : Russia is compiling documents in order to launch an official investigation into military biological activities in Ukraine in the near future, says Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov.

10h31 : Despite the war, the coastal city of Odessa regains a certain lightness. The front line is only 130 km to the east and the alarm sirens sound from time to time. “We want it to remain a happy city as it has always been for all Ukrainians”says Oleh, a soldier in the Ukrainian army. Here is our report.


09h13 : It’s 9 o’clock, let’s do a new reminder of the titles:

“It’s going to be a woman apparently”says François Bayrou, close to Emmanuel Macron, regarding who will succeed Jean Castex at Matignon. Follow the situation in our live.

• A new measure is lifted. From todaythe mask is no longer compulsory in public transport. We summarize the health rules still in force here.

After FinlandSweden will apply for NATO membership. The United States assured the two countries of its support to join the alliance.

• A total lunar eclipse took place tonight. The French might see “three minutes of Moon eaten by the shadow of the Earth”, rejoices the astrophysicist Hervé Dole.

07h34 : Every day, Jane asks her relatives in Ukraine if it is possible to return. “They say it’s too dangerous.” So this refugee’s priority now is to bring some stability to her children. “I take one day following another, without saying what awaits us. Today, I think we will stay here until August”she considers. I paint his portrait in this article.


07h33 : “Every day there is a new question that arises, a new document to obtain, a new problem to solve. And it’s more complicated when you don’t speak the language.”

The 40-year-old photographer is lucky enough to get by in English (sometimes with the help of an online translator). But when you don’t speak a word of French, the administrative procedures are complex. However, Jane and her daughters are lucky enough to be accompanied (and housed) by the association Groupe SOS.

07h31 : Three months following the start of the war in Ukraine, some of the 70,000 refugees hosted in France have already returned home. But for others, the return remains impossible. I met Jane and her two daughterswho want “stay a while” in France to rebuild.


07h31 : Let’s start the day with a first reminder of the main titles:

• A new sanitary measure is lifted. From today, the mask is no longer mandatory in public transport. We summarize the health rules still in force.

After FinlandSweden will apply for NATO membership. The United States assured the two countries of its support in joining the Atlantic Alliance.

• A total lunar eclipse is in progress. What is it regarding ? How to observe it if the weather conditions allow it? We explain everything to you here.

• Three weeks following the re-election of Emmanuel Macron, will the composition of the new government finally be revealed today? The name of Jean Castex’s successor is long overdue. Follow the situation in our live.

• North Korean leader Kim Jong-un castigates North Korean health authorities for their handling of the epidemic. According to official figures, 50 people have died from Covid-19.



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