They identified the deceased motorcyclist on the road to Sierra Chica

After shocking road accident which took place early this Monday in it road to Sierra Chica, Infoeme was able to confirm the identity of the person who unfortunately lost his life following being hit by a car following losing control of his motorcycle.

The accident, of which two vehicles participated in addition to the motorcyclistit happened around 7:20 this Monday on the curve of the road to the town of Olavarri, when weather conditions played a leading role in the sad outcome.

Although the causes of the accident are under investigation, all the vehicles involved they traveled to Sierra Chica. It is believed that just before the entrance curve to the town, a Peugeot Partnerwhose driver did not notice the presence of the motorcyclist on the road, caused him to lose control and fall to the ground, where he later was run over for Volkswagen Sendacausing his death.

Sources consulted by Infoemeconfirmed that it is Diego Master from 43 yearswho was a nurse and performed functions both in the Hospital Municipal Doctor “Hector M. Cura”as in the Penitentiary Service.

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