Move it, move it Risaralda for physical and mental health

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Pereira, May 12, 2022.

The Risaralda Active and Healthy program continues to impact the municipalities of the department. This time with a promotion, dissemination and outreach strategy, visiting each of the territories.

Last World Physical Activity Day, the events scheduled by the Ministry of Sport, Recreation and Culture reached 1,363 Risaraldenses. In the celebration of the month of the child, 3,200 children benefited from recreation, leisure and recreational meetings in the 14 municipalities.

All this, thanks to the accompaniment of the monitors hired by the Risaralda Government in the different programs, since recreation is one of the areas that has been most strengthened in the administration of Víctor Manuel Tamayo Vargas.

Move it, move it Risaralda, from the Active and Healthy Risaralda program, has the dissemination of 11 monitors and the departmental manager, who have already visited Quinchía, Guática, Belén de Umbría, Mistrató, La Celia, Balboa and Apía, sharing the benefits of the daily physical activity and the work of the monitors, all at the service of the community.

“What the strategy seeks is massification, dissemination and promotion of physical activity groups in each of the municipalities. Together with the whole team of monitors we are carrying it out, going to the places where the monitor has its regular groups. With flyers, activities, music and loudspeakers, the community is shown what the program consists of so that they can attend groups in both urban and rural areas”, shared Jennifer Yepes, departmental manager of Physical Activity.

The strategy follows the path of other strategies at the country level, where the focus is on the inhabitants of the urban area; but also in the population that lives in rural areas. This means that the message, in addition to being sent massively, impacts as many people as possible.

It is noteworthy that the World Health Organization recommends between 150 and 300 minutes of moderate physical activity per week, to improve physical and mental health.

Municipalities with monitors



Bethlehem of Umbria





rich town




Saint Rose of Cabal


Number of visits to this page 48

Publication date 05/12/2022

Last modified 05/12/2022

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