The funeral of the journalist writer Salah Montaser to his final resting place.. Photos

Dozens mourned the body of the late journalist writer Salah Montaser, to his final resting place, following performing the funeral prayer for him in the Omar Makram Mosque, and the body is buried in the family cemetery.

Dozens had performed the funeral prayer for the late journalist Salah Montaser, at the Omar Makram Mosque. The funeral prayer was attended by Sameh Shoukry, Minister of Foreign Affairs, journalist writer Abdel Mohsen Salama, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Ahram Foundation, journalist writer Alaa Thabet, editor-in-chief of Al-Ahram, and journalist writer Karam Gabr. Chairman of the Supreme Council for Media Regulation, Eng. Abdel Sadiq Al-Shorbagy, Chairman of the National Press Authority, and Dr. Abdel Moneim Saeed, Senator.

Also participating in the funeral prayer were Amr Moussa, Dr. Mofeed Shehab, Khaled Miri, editor-in-chief of Al-Akhbar, Abdel Latif Al-Manawi, journalist writer Mustafa Bakri, and a number of journalists.

The Arab press has lost its stature, with the death of the great journalist writer Salah Montaser, at the age of 87, following a struggle with illness.

The late deceased is considered one of the symbols of the Al-Ahram Foundation and its great writers who have their clear imprints in the history of the institution.

Salah Montaser is a prominent writer and journalist at Al-Ahram newspaper, born in Damietta Governorate, and the owner of a daily column entitled “Just an Opinion.” He joined the Faculty of Law, then worked with the great journalist writer Hassanein Heikal as a journalist at Al-Ahram Foundation. throughout the years.

He was a member of the Shura Council and a member of the Supreme Council of the Press in Egypt, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab Media Center, and also held the position of editor-in-chief of (October) magazine, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of (Dar Al Maaref) for printing and publishing.



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