Worm is a movie directed by debutant director Ratheena and starring Mammootty in the lead role. Actor Appunni Sasi’s role in the film was discussed along with Mammootty’s character on social media and the film world. Now a post praising him is gaining attention on social media. Famous Malayalam Drama Artist Appunni Sasi Filled BR. The note says that it will be a long time before Kuttappan arrives in the lead role.
We are also very proud that my cousin Sasi is also with the great actor Mammootty. Dear cousin Shashi, heights are still waiting. The note regarding his character makes it clear that we are a tiger in the worm acting. At the end of the story we realize that the Takshaka-centric drama that runs parallel to the worm becomes the backbone of the story.
The play Thakshakan in this film was written and directed by Sivadas Poyilka. He is a playwright who has innovated the language of the school theater.
Dear cousin Shashi Mashe, This post ends by saying that this movie should be a milestone in your film career.