United States | Florida | Inexperienced passenger landed plane after pilot fell unconscious | WORLD

As if it were a movie! This is how the scene was seen that two passengers of a private flight had to experience that landed in an emergency in Florida (USA) this Tuesday, May 10.

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Due to a condition suffered by the pilot, one of the travelers traveling in the Cessna 208 aircraft had to take control, communicate with the station and land safely without having had any prior piloting experience.

In the audio broadcast by the American media ‘CNN’, it is possible to hear the communication between the tower and the man who takes control of the aircraft.

“I have a very serious situation here. My pilot is incoherent and I have no idea how to fly a plane, but we stay at 9,100 feet,” he says at first.

After a few seconds, the tower answers the call for help and asks for the location of the flight, however, the man, whose identity is unknown, reiterates that he does not know this information, since it is his first experience.

At that moment, the passenger explains to the operator that the pilot is not conscious, making it impossible for the aviator to land. So the tower commander tells him to “keep the wings level” and to “try a landing maneuver.”

The plane landed slowly on the runway. (Photo: iStock)

To the surprise of many, the operation was completely successful and the plane was able to descend and land smoothly on the airport highway in Floridawithout any injuries.

Even another traffic controller explained what happened to his colleagues: “You just saw a couple of passengers land that plane”, to which they respond: “Did you say that the passengers landed the plane? Oh my God. Nice job”.

But why wasn’t there a co-pilot at the time of the incident? According to a media analyst cited above, being a private flight it is very common for only one pilot and passengers to go.

The Federal Aviation Administration, for its part, assured that the pilot had had a “possible medical problem” and that they will proceed to carry out an investigation of the case.

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