Two defaults of airline stocks are under the spotlight. The stock exchange calls for attention to personal credit | Anue Juheng-Taiwan Stock News

According to the default delivery information reported by the brokerage, I was surprised to see that the investors had China Airlines (2610-TW) were 544 yuan in fractional share transactions and nearly 120 million yuan in two default deliveries. The stock exchange emphasized that it has deeply understood the situation and reiterated that investors should pay attention to the delivery responsibility to avoid affecting personal credit.

According to media reports, on the 13th, the brokerage declared that the investor “China Airlines” had defaulted on individual shares, and the announcement amounted to 544 yuan of fractional shares and two transactions of 119.72 million yuan.

The stock exchange stated that in order to strengthen the risk control of investors’ default, management measures have been implemented for defaulting investors since October 12 last year. If a default occurs for the first time, the securities company should notify the investor that the entrusted trading of securities should fulfill the delivery responsibility. The default information will be disclosed in the personal negative information of the joint collection system of securities companies.

The stock exchange said that as long as there is a default delivery situation, it will affect the individual’s future business dealings with securities companies, and inform the investor that if the default occurs again within one year, the order will be accepted for 10 consecutive business days from the first trading day. , must receive the full amount of coupons in advance, so as to strengthen the investor default risk control measures.

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