[자막뉴스] “My invention gives pain and sorrow”… Luna and Terra crash ‘official apology’

CEO Kwon Do-hyung appeared on a foreign social media broadcast a week before Luna and Terra crashed.

At that time, when the host asked what the future of other cryptocurrencies would look like, he replied:

[권도형/루나·테라 발행회사 대표 : 가상화폐 95%는 사라질 거예요. 그런 망해가는 회사들을 구경하는 것도 즐거움이 있죠.]

In fact, CEO Kwon’s ridicule came back to him as a boomerang.

Terra and Luna, which were created by CEO Kwon and have grown to several tens of trillions of won in market capitalization, have become trash in a few days, and major exchanges have decided to leave one following another.

Despite this, CEO Kwon, who had been silent all along, opened his mouth for the first time today (14th) through Twitter.

“I’ve been on the phone with colleagues, friends and family who have been shocked by the crash over the past few days,” he said.

Regarding the ‘eating’ suspicion, he explained that he did not sell a single Luna or Terra, and that he did not benefit from the crash.

They also announced a plan to give away 1 billion new currency to Luna and Terra holders and start anew.

But the market reaction is chilly.

[박성준/동국대 블록체인센터장 : 토큰(가상화폐)의 신뢰성을 어떻게 우리가 보증해 주고 확보해줄 것이냐는 문제가 또 제기될 거거든요. 단기간 내 극복할 수 있다고 생각하지는 않습니다.]

After the crash, the man who broke into the house of Kwon Do-hyung without permission and fled, turned himself in to the police following a while, and it turned out to be an Internet broadcaster on the topic of virtual currency.

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