Borrowed friendship, love; DMK leader beheaded and thrown into river | Crime | Murder

Chennai: A similar murder took place in Chennai following a traditional healer was hacked to death in Nilambur. The DMK local leader was hacked to death by his girlfriend and brother-in-law and thrown into a river. DMK ward secretary S Chakrapani, 65, of Manali, Chennai, was brutally killed.

Chakrapani, who went missing four days ago, was found hacked to death in the toilet of his girlfriend’s house in Royapuram and placed in plastic bags. Girlfriend Tamima Banu (40) was arrested. Police are searching for Tamima’s brother – in – law Wasim Basha, 35, and his friend Delhi Babu, 29.

Chakrapani has been missing since May 10. The family had complained that the wheelbarrow that went out on the scooter did not return. Police, who followed the footage captured by CCTV cameras on the roads, found the scooter at Grace Garden in Royapuram. Cybercell’s investigation revealed that Chakrapani’s mobile phone was near the scooter.

Meanwhile, residents informed police that the house on Second Street was stinking. A search of the home turned up the body, which had been found in a toilet. The landlord, Tamima Banu, and her family had previously lived in rented accommodation in Chakrapani’s building. The friendship that started with borrowing money later grew into a love affair between Chakrapani and Tamima. Although they moved house, the two never left the relationship.

Chakrapani came to see Tamima last day. Realizing this, Tamima’s brother – in – law Wasim Basha went to their house and started arguing. Meanwhile, Wasim attacked Chakrapani with a knife at home. Tamima and Waseem decided to give up the cut when they were sure that Chakrapani was dead. For this, his friend, an auto driver, called Delhi Babu home. The carcass, which was cut into ten pieces, was then transferred to small plastic bags.

On the same day, the head was thrown into the river from the Dillibabu Adyar bridge. The rest was kept in the toilet for safe disposal. Wasim Basha and Delhi Babu went into hiding following the murder. Chakrapani’s head was searched but might not be found. The search for the two missing persons is on.

English Summary: DMK man’s murder: Cops search for body parts in Adyar river

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