[지금은 우주-영상] A red ‘blood moon’ appears

A total lunar eclipse will occur in the United States and South America on the night of the 15th local time. During a total lunar eclipse, the full moon appears red. [사진=NASA]

[아이뉴스24 정종오 기자] A total lunar eclipse will occur in the United States and South America on the evening of the 15th (local time). Unfortunately, it is not available in Korea.

A total lunar eclipse is visible in parts of the eastern United States and throughout South America. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the ‘sun-earth-moon’ is in a straight line and the moon hides in the earth’s shadow. At this time, the moon appears to disappear as it enters the ‘umbra’ of the earth’s shadow.

The moon hiding in the Earth’s shadow is not seen at all, but appears red. For this reason, the full moon during a total lunar eclipse is called a ‘blood moon’. This is because the red wavelengths of sunlight passing through the earth are reflected by the moon. A total lunar eclipse will begin at 10:27 PM on the 15th in North America.

This total lunar eclipse cannot be seen in Asia such as Korea.

The moon rotates and orbits regarding the same as one month. This is why only the front side of the moon is visible from Earth. The moon appears on Earth in various shapes, from a crescent moon to a half moon to a full moon. The part that reflects the sun’s light depends on the moon’s orbital position.

On the other hand, there are various expressions for calling the full moon. It is a combination of science and life, and in Korea, the full moon in January is called ‘Jeongwol Daeboreum’ and the full moon in August is called ‘Hangawi full moon’. Native Americans, Indians, named the full moon according to their characteristics.

The full moon in January is called the Wolf Moon. The full moon in February is Snow Moon, March is Warm Moon, April is Pink Moon, May is Flower Moon, and June is Strawberry Moon. Moon), July is Thunder Moon, August is Sturgeon Moon, September is Corn Moon, October is Harvest Moon, November is After the Beaver Moon, the full moon in December is also called the Cold Moon.

Most of the names are associated with the change of seasons, the specific weather of the month, and natural phenomena. The full moon that appears in November is called a beaver moon because it is the time when beavers build their homes in November, and they are very active. The warm moon in March also means that the frozen ground melts and insects begin to wriggle. It is like adding their own life science to the moon.

There is also Blue Moon. There is a moon with two full moons, and the second full moon in that month is called a blue moon.

There is also the term Super Moon. The moon orbits the earth at a distance of 360,000 to 400,000 km. There are cases where it is the closest to the Earth, or it is the furthest away. The average distance between the moon and the earth is 380,000 km, but if you approach it closer to regarding 360,000 km, the full moon looks very large and bright. This full moon is called a ‘supermoon’.

/Sejong = Reporter Jeong Jong-oh(ikokid@inews24.com)





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