Children’s Hospital is enlisted to detect new and severe hepatitis

Juarez City.- Given the arrival in Mexico of the new and severe hepatitis, which has already caused havoc in children around the world, the North Zone medical director, Rogelio Covarrubias, stated that the Children’s Specialty Hospital (HIES) is preparing and indicated that the detection of the pathology that damages the liver will be done by discard strategy. However, he emphasized, Chihuahua is still free of the disease.

He explained that if a patient with the characteristics of the condition is detected, various tests will be performed to identify whether it is type A, B, C, D or E, and if it is not positive for such, it will be understood that it is one infected with the recent form of the liver ailment. A similar strategy was applied with Covid-19 before there were tests, since they were done for influenza and, if not, coronavirus was suspected.

“Yesterday, for your information, the epidemiologist of the jurisdiction, Dr. Verónica Carreón, was at the Children’s Hospital giving a talk to the pediatricians. Precisely to alert regarding this disease (hepatitis), the symptoms and tests of some enzymes were discussed, and if one of these threats is detected above 500, an alert is turned on for the sentinel units,” said Covarrubias.

He referred that it is possible that children who have a clinical picture with multiple characteristics: yellowing of the skin and eyes, dark urine, intense fatigue, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, have the samples taken and turn in the Center of Health We are all Mexicans. He stressed that there must be a culture of prevention, from now on, in parents towards the care of their little ones.

“We received a specific indication from the secretary (Felipe Sandoval Magallanes) and I think we have a machine in Todos Somos Mexicanos to measure the types of hepatitis, and if it is not hepatitis A, B, C, D or E, we will be thinking of a hepatitis of this type, which we do not have in Chihuahua. I remember a few years ago when it was not believed that Covid-19 would reach Juárez and of course it did. Same with this,” he stressed.

The unknown ailment has been found on the European continent, as well as in Israel and the United States. It is occurring in previously healthy children and has caused severe liver failure, requiring in some cases the need for a transplant. However, in this entity, he pointed out, there are no conditions to perform surgical procedures of this type, since they are specialized.

So far only four cases of this type of hepatitis have been located in the state of Nuevo León; The infants are being monitored and their condition was reported as stable, according to their authorities. Since it is a viral condition, it is important that if someone develops the symptoms they are isolated, wear their face mask and are channeled to receive medical attention to receive treatment as soon as possible.


• Yellowing of the skin and eyes

• Dark urine

• Intense fatigue

• Nausea

• vomiting

• Abdominal pain



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