the fire would have started from the cannabis culture of the parents…

In the village of Bizet, last April 2 will remain as one blackest days in the memory of the inhabitants. That day, a house on rue Duribreu was engulfed in flames. Outside, the neighbors are panicking to alert the occupants that a fire has broken out upstairs. The couple and three children were able to get out of the blaze, but the smoke had already invaded the first floor, as well as the attic where Lizzie and Tessa, two girls aged 10 and 12, were. The two small bodies will be found in the rubble by the firefighters.

At that moment, the origin of the disaster reported an electrical malfunction in this house at the limit of insalubrity.

►► A few weeks later, tongues loosened and another truth seems to come to light.

►► In the neighborhood, it’s amazement even if we were afraid that such a tragedy occurs one day.

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