“Faten Amal Harbi” did it.. The controversy of “sexual overtones” is chasing Ahmed Helmy.. An uproar regarding the cost of Yasmine Sabry’s divorce.. Interaction and criticism of Dio Elisa and Saad Lamjarred.. Here are the highlights last week.
Despite the end of the Ramadan season, the echoes of the series “Faten Amal Harbi” are still continuing, with the Egyptian president calling on the government to prepare a “balanced” bill for personal status in the country.
The interaction continued with the news of businessman Ahmed Abu Hashemeh’s separation from the Egyptian artist, Yasmine Sabry, and they also interacted with pictures of the wedding of Egyptian artists, Mohamed Farraj and Basant Shawky, while the controversy is still interactive in Egypt regarding the latest films of the Egyptian star Ahmed Helmy, “One Tani”.
Elissa celebrated the millions of views of her duet with Moroccan artist Saad Lamjarred, “From the First Minute.” Here are the highlights last week.