Zamora medical student found safe and sound – El Sol de Zamora

Zamora, Michoacán (OEM-Infomex).- The Michoacán State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) reported this Friday that Martha Eliza “T”, a Zamora medical student who was reported missing yesterday, was found unharmed.

Through Twitter, the institution explained that the young woman was the victim of a virtual kidnapping and was found unharmed, without giving more details of the operation or where she was located.

He added that the search efforts were carried out in conjunction with his counterpart from Guanajuato.

The Alba Alert was deactivated following finding the whereregardings of the young medical student from the extension of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH).

Martha Eliza “T” disappeared yesterday in the center of Zamora. Dr. Héctor Padilla Aguirre, coordinator of the Faculty, denounced the disappearance of the young woman through the social networks of Televisión del Valle de Zamora.



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