He attended a sterilization day in a CDI and died

The woman was only 31 years old and the mother of four children. Her friend is in intensive care. s

One woman died and another is in intensive care, following they attended a sterilization day that they carried out at the Comprehensive Diagnostic Center (CDI) of Los Flores de Catia in Caracas.

This was announced by the journalist Joan Camargo on his social networks. He also pointed out that the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations Department (Cicpc) is already investigating the case and the alleged malpractice.

The victim was identified as Rosmary del Carmen Bellorín Cedeño, 31, who was selected to undergo a tubal ligation. She attended with her friend Maryelis Vega, who is hospitalized.

To be selected, a series of previous tests had to be carried out and according to the relatives everything was in order and they were selected.

Both were assigned an appointment for April 29 and attended. At 9:00 am on that April 29, Rosmary told her family that everything was ready for her to be operated on, and she sent a photo of herself dressed in a surgical suit. It was the last time they communicated with her, Camargo published on the Todos Now portal.

Her friend Flor Zerpa says that Maryelis Vega was the first to enter the operating room, and was seconded by Rosmary.

«They told us that Rosmary was anesthetized before entering the operating room and within minutes she began to convulse; while Maryelis convulsed when they were operating on her, “said Zerpa.

Both were transferred by emergency in an ambulance to the Miguel Pérez Carreño hospital, and there they were confined in the Intensive Care Unit.

“When they took her to the hospital they treated her as if it were poisoning by anesthetics,” he explained.

That day Rosmary suffered two respiratory arrests, but they were able to stabilize her. However, her health condition was delicate.

“They told us that only a miracle might bring her back to life. The doctors who treated her at the Flores de Catia CDI took care of all the expenses so that we would remain silent, “added her friend Flor Zerpa.

For 12 days, Rosmary struggled between life and death in the Intensive Care Unit of the Miguel Pérez Carreño hospital. At 9:00 pm on May 10 he passed away.

His body was transferred to the Bello Monte morgue where they performed an autopsy, which revealed brain edema due to hypovolemic shock as the cause of death.

In turn, the results of the toxicological examination are awaited, to see what might have caused this reaction in both women, although only Rosemary died.

He leaves four children aged 14, 11, 6 and one year old as an orphan. She lived alone with her boys, because regarding six months ago she had separated from her partner.

She was a housewife, and she sold candy, ice, and groceries from her home. So far no arrests.

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