Joint pain from over-exercising? these plants can help

Undoubtedly, the joints are one of the parts that suffer the most wear, especially when people do high-impact exercises.

Alexandra Villa-Forte, MD, MPH, Cleveland Clinic, notes that Joints are the junctions between two or more bones. Some do not normally move, such as those located between the bones of the skull, and others allow a complex range of motion.

While cartilage is the firm yet flexible tissue that covers the ends of the bodies at a joint.

“Healthy cartilage helps move by allowing bones to glide over each other and additionally protects bones by preventing them from rubbing together,” according to MedlinePlus, the US National Library of Medicine.

Healthy cartilage helps move by allowing bones to glide over one another and additionally protects bones. Photo: Getty images. – Foto: Foto: Getty images.

What can wear out the joints?

According to specialists, the joints are the areas of the body that suffer the most wear. when carrying out high-impact or heavy-duty exercise, but there are also a number of chronic diseases that can impact these areas, causing pain and stiffness, swelling and redness, according to the journal The Herald Mexico in your health section.

Diseases that affect the joints:

  • Sjogren’s Syndrome: This autoimmune pathology affects the glands that produce moisture in many parts of the body.
  • Arthritis: It causes pain and swelling of the joints. Osteoarthritis is the most common. It has been detected that when you are young and you suffer an injury it can lead to osteoarthritis over time.
  • Lupus: This autoimmune disease affects many parts of the body and can cause joint and muscle pain.


A study conducted by Shiraz University, Iran, states that valerian has an analgesic action that can help calm common ailments such as spasms, headaches, or muscle cramps, among others.


  • 1 teaspoon of valerian roots (5 g).
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).


  • Boil the cup of water in a pot and, when it comes to a boil, add the valerian and leave for another 3 minutes.
  • After the recommended time, remove from heat, let stand and consume.


A study carried out by the Shahid Beheshti University indicates that although the main benefits of mint consist of relieving gas and stomach inflammation, it also has an interesting analgesic effect that can help reduce gastric pain and other associated ailments,


  • 1 teaspoon of mint (5 g).
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).


  • Boil a cup of water and, when it comes to a boil, add a teaspoon of mint.
  • Let the decoction cook for an additional 3 minutes, then remove from heat and let stand.
  • It is recommended to drink 3 cups a day.


The analgesic action of nettle can help relieve pain as severe as those caused by arthritis and gout.

Its anti-inflammatory compounds, combined with boron, calcium and silicon, can have a calming effect while helping to strengthen bones, according to a study from the University of California.


  • 1 tablespoon of nettle leaves (10 g).
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).


  • Boil a cup of water and add 1 tablespoon of nettle leaves.
  • Let it boil for 3 more minutes before removing it from the heat and, when it is lukewarm, strain and drink up to 3 cups a day.


The analgesic effect of rosemary can be helpful in relieving headache, neck and back pain. It also has an anti-inflammatory action, according to a study by the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Brazil) that can help those ailments that affect the joints and muscles.


  • 2 tablespoons of rosemary (20 g).
  • 1 liter of water.


  • Boil the 20 grams of rosemary in a liter of water, let stand and then drink 1 cup very hot.

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