Subject raped an older adult and killed her son: Double life sentence

Cristhian Armando Loyola Espejo, a 38-year-old Chilean man, must serve two life sentences for two brutal crimes committed on the morning of January 20, 2020 inside a house in Tocopilla, Antofagasta Region: the murder of a man and the subsequent rape with homicide of his mother.

After the investigation of the Tocopilla Local Prosecutor’s Office, the Antofagasta Oral Criminal Trial Court considered established, beyond any reasonable doubt, both events – which occurred “following a social meeting started the day before in the followingnoon abroad of the domicile”- and the authorship of Loyola Espejo.

The unanimous ruling reconstructed that, “in circumstances in which the victim Elias del Valle Gonzalez was in the courtyard of said building in a state of intoxication and unable to defend himself, Cristhian Armando Loyola Espejo, who shared with him, for unknown reasons, took a ax with wooden handle and knifeto then inflict multiple sharp wounds on the victim, the deep ones in his head, as well as blunt blows in that area, which caused a traumatic brain injury, which caused his death.

For this homicide, the TOP Antofagasta dictated the sentence of perpetual garrison and it also sentenced him to the accessory perpetual absolute inability to run for public office and office and to exercise political rights for the duration of the sentence.

Shortly following, “the defendant was found in the kitchen of the house with the victim Sonia Lorenza González Araya, 69, mother of Elías del Valle Gonzálezwho, before stripping her of her underwear and pants, penetrated and caused tears and erosions in her vaginal area, to later attack her, this time with blows and a chef’s knifewhich he left embedded in his abdomen, causing various ecchymotic injuries and stab wounds, two of them fatal and that penetrated the thoracic and abdominal cavities, one that injured his left lung and the other that damaged his left kidney, which caused, respectively , a hemothorax and hemoperitoneum, dying from acute hypovolemia”.

For this crime, Loyola Espejo will serve the sentence of qualified life sentence and the accessories of perpetual absolute inability to run for public office and office and exercise political rights for the duration of the sentence.

The prosecutor Andres Godoy, who led the investigation in collaboration with the Antofagasta PDI Homicide Brigade and Tocopilla Carabineros personnel, stated that “it is a very violent crime in the area, and thanks especially to the various tests and scientific expertise applied in this case, these crimes might be verified”.

Before leaving the building, the murderer seized a Nokia cell phone, valued at 60 thousand pesos and owned by the first victim. Therefore, the Court added a third conviction for the crime of hurto simplewhich will be worth a sentence of 61 days in prison in its minimum degree, together with the payment of a fine of 5 UTM (regarding 172 thousand pesos).

The case was resolved with “exemplary sentences”highlighted the Antofagasta Regional Prosecutor’s Office in a statement.



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