Inflation pressure shrouded the global U.S. stock market, it is not ruled out that the low before the back test | Anue Juheng – Taiwan stock market trend

The U.S. consumer price index (CPI) in April was released, with an annual increase of 8.3%, higher than market expectations, and continued to hit a new high in nearly 40 years, causing the four major U.S. stock indexes to plummet.Dow JonesIt has even dropped to the low point this year, and Taiwan stocks were on the sidelines of the market yesterday (11), with the volume shrinking under the support of the weekly option settlement. However, as the inflationary pressure continues to engulf the world, it may be unfavorable for the rebound of Taiwan stocks. It is also not ruled out that it is 15734 points lower before the backtest.

US stocksDow Jones On the 11th, it fell 326.63 points or 1.02% to close at 31,834.11 points, the lowest point this year.S&P 500 IndexDown 65.87 points, or 1.65%, to end at 3935.18 points,NasdaqThe index fell 373.43 points or 3.18% to close at 11364.24 points.Philadelphia SemiconductorIt also fell 88.2 points or 3.04% to close at 2811.9 points. Among the ADRs of Taiwan stocks, TSMC ADR and UMC ADR both fell by more than 1%.

In terms of the focus of the disk, not only the inflation situation in the United States continues to heat up, but also in the newly released written report of my country’s central bank president Yang Jinlong on the 11th, he also pointed out that geopolitical tensions, soaring raw material prices, repeated epidemics, and intensified climate change risks. The phenomenon of high global inflation continues and causes major economies such as the United States to accelerate monetary policy tightening. It is expected that inflation will fall back next year.

Panel maker Innolux (3481-TW) Yesterday, the board of directors approved a proposed cash capital reduction. It is expected to reduce the capital by 9.5%, and return regarding 0.95 yuan per share to shareholders. Through the distribution of last year’s surplus, it plans to distribute a cash dividend of 1.05 yuan per share. In total, shareholders will get back 2 yuan per share. In cash, it also announced that it will buy back 50,000 treasury shares, which are mainly used to maintain the company’s credit and shareholders’ rights and to stimulate employee morale.

China Netcom factory opened (6285-TW) Yesterday also held a law meeting. Chairman Xie Hongbo said that the products of large-scale cooperative development projects will be in volume from this quarter to the second half of the year. Coupled with the strong growth momentum of the four major businesses, revenue and profits will continue to increase. Interest rates are expected to increase by 0.5-1 percentage point.

The global economy is under the pressure of high inflation. U.S. President Biden pointed out that the global supply chain imbalance caused by the new crown epidemic and the sharp rise in oil prices caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war are the two main causes of inflation. He also suggested that the White House is considering reducing or canceling it. Chinese tariffs in response to the highest inflation in more than 40 years.



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