Strong smog and smell of burning in Perm May 11, 2022 |

At the request of 59.RU, they prepared their advice on the topic “How to make sure that it is not physically bad” at the Ministry of Territorial Security of the Perm Territory.

1. Even a simple gauze bandage in case of smog is a fairly effective protection, but the bandage does not delay microparticles and gases, so if it is possible not to go out, it is better not to go out. It is better to wet the mask, but it must be understood that wearing a mask by people suffering from lung diseases can worsen their condition, as it creates additional resistance to breathing.

2. Drink more water, at least 2–2.5 liters per day, of which up to 0.5 liters of mineral water.

3. If possible, use air conditioners, air purifiers both at home and in the office.

4. Drink 2-3 cups of green tea throughout the day.

5. Keep windows closed whenever possible. If you still decide to ventilate, then you must take into account that the worst situation is in the early morning hours, when all the dangerous suspension is concentrated in the surface layer.

6. Wet clean the house and humidify the air.

7. It is recommended to rinse the nose and rinse the mouth.

8. Morning jogging is better to cancel. Any additional physical activity will force you to breathe faster and deeper, which in the current situation will negatively affect your health.

9. It is not recommended to wear any contact lenses.

10. If you feel unwell, consult a doctor.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reminds: the telephone number of the Unified Duty Dispatch Service is 112.



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