“Djerba is ready for the tourist season and the Ghriba pilgrimage”

Interior Minister Taoufik Charfeddine learned, on Tuesday, during his visit to the island of Djerba, of the region’s preparations to host the next events, including first and foremost the synagogue pilgrimage. of the Ghriba scheduled for May 18.

The region is also preparing for the tourist season and the Sommet de la Francophonie scheduled for next November.

The minister went to the international airport of Djerba-Zarzis, then to the port of Houmet Souk and the synagogue of the Ghriba before inspecting certain security points installed as part of the preparations for the annual visit of the Ghriba.

In a statement to the media, the Minister affirmed that “preparations in terms of security are excellent”, noting “a significant security deployment and good morale which is likely to reassure visitors to Tunisia and convey a message on a country where tolerance and coexistence reign”.

For his part, Perez Trabelsi, president of the organizing committee of the Ghriba pilgrimage, who welcomed the interior minister to the synagogue, said that this year’s visit will be exceptional because of the number of visitors which will vary between 5 and 6 thousand tourists.

“High-level political figures, diplomats and ambassadors from the European Union and Canada are also expected”.

The island of Djerba is experiencing an important security deployment that goes beyond the surroundings of the synagogue to cover the tourist area, the land, sea and air entrances to the island, as part of the security preparations for the Ghriba pilgrimage.



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