What are the common causes of hair loss?7 Nutrients for Long Hair | Anemia | Iron

【New Tang Dynasty Beijing time on May 09, 2022】hair lossIt is the trouble that many people will have, whichreasonWill it make the hair on the top of the head less and less?What are the essentials for healthy hair growthnutrients

commonhair lossreasonThere are 6 types of male pattern baldness that are most common

A person’s health is reflected in the hair. The causes of hair loss are related to factors such as genetics, hormones, nutrition, stress and disease.

1. Male pattern baldness

Zhang Shiheng, director of Neihu Qile Integrative Medicine Clinic, pointed out that androgenetic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss, which is related to genetics. Male hormones are metabolized by 5α-reductase in the body to dihydrotestosterone, which in turn attacks the hair follicles, causing hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia causes the hair follicles to be fragile. Once dihydrotestosterone is produced in the body, the hair follicles will shrink and degenerate and begin to lose hair.

Both males and females produce dihydrotestosterone in their bodies, but males are prone to androgenetic baldness. Zhang Shiheng explained that women have two X chromosomes, men have one X and one Y chromosome, and the gene for androgenetic alopecia is on the X chromosome. Girls must have recessive genes on both Xs to have androgenetic baldness; the only X chromosome for men, As long as you have a recessive gene, you will be bald.

The prevalence of male pattern baldness is also related to race and age, and Asians are lower than Caucasians. Taking Taiwanese as an example, regarding 20% of people following the age of 45 have androgenetic baldness, and following the age of 65, the proportion will be higher than 40%. Caucasians, on the other hand, have male pattern baldness following the age of 40.

Zhang Shiheng said that it is very common clinically to see young women due to iron deficiencyanemiaAnd hair loss, a test found that hemoglobin is less than 10. Although they came to the clinic for the purpose of treating anemia, following treatment and medication, hair growth became a side effect. “Patients will say, wow, I took the doctor’s prescription and my hair grows well!” Zhang Shiheng said.

These iron-deficiency anemia patients, taking iron,ironAfter the high content of food, not only the hair grows back, but also the nails grow better.

3. Bad eating habits

It is also common to lose hair due to bad eating habits such as eating too many fried, spicy or grilled foods.

Because the sebaceous glands of the skin are located in the hair follicles, the oil secreted by the sebaceous glands will come out of the hair follicles. When people eat a lot of bad oil, fried chicken, French fries and other irritating foods, it will cause inflammation in the body, make the sebaceous glands secrete abnormally, and cause excessive oil on the scalp and hair loss.

There is also a mold on the scalp that coexists with the human body, Bacillus dandruff, which uses sebum for nutrition. When there is too much sebum secretion, Bacillus dandruff will rapidly proliferate and cause inflammation of the hair follicles, which will also cause the hair to fall out.

Eating too many fried, spicy or grilled foods for a long time can also easily cause hair loss. (Shutterstock)

Apart fromironIn addition, when protein intake is insufficient, or lack of nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B complex, and mineral zinc, it will also cause hair loss.

Because the main component of hair contains collagen, it keeps the hair healthy, thick, and elastic, and it also makes the hair more supportive and able to “stand” on the scalp. Collagen-deficient hair is like dead grass, thin and unsupportive, and will collapse on the scalp, making the hair look thinner.

Zhang Shiheng pointed out, “If you want more hair, collagen is very important.” Too little protein and vitamin C intake will lead to insufficient collagen. Because protein foods are a source of collagen, vitamin C is a coenzyme for collagen synthesis.

In addition, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and folic acid in the vitamin B group can make hematopoietic function normal. Hair health is closely related to blood, because blood brings nutrients and oxygen to the hair.

The mineral zinc is related to the growth of cells, from hair follicle cells to the growth of red blood cells, zinc is required.

5. Hormonal changes

Women are prone to massive hair loss during periods of severe hormonal changes such as postpartum and menopause. When the hormones in the body return to normal, the hair loss situation will improve.

6. Stress, Autoimmune Diseases

Hair loss in some people is related to a disordered autoimmune system and lymphocytes attacking hair follicles. This immune factor causes hair loss diseases, such as lupus erythematosus and other autoimmune diseases commonly seen in rheumatology and immunology, as well as stress hair loss, such as alopecia areata.

Stress causes the autoimmune system to attack its own hair follicles, causing the follicles to die and hair to fall out. Stress, genetics, and irregular work and rest can easily lead to alopecia areata.

Hair loss in some people is related to a disordered autoimmune system and lymphocytes attacking hair follicles. (Shutterstock)

3 ways to improve hair loss!7 essential nutrients for long hair

Some causes of hair loss can be improved with medication. For example, people with androgenetic alopecia can be treated with drugs that reduce the body’s production of dihydrotestosterone. Patients with hair loss due to hormonal changes cannot currently treat hormonal problems. They can only use methods similar to those used to treat androgenetic alopecia, such as rubbing medicine, supplementing nutrients, and improving work and rest.

You can also use commercially available anti-hair loss shampoos and toners. These products are mainly from an auxiliary point of view to make the hair follicles cleaner, reduce the damage of the hair follicles by oil and dandruff spores, and improve the growth environment of the hair.

In addition, there are 3 ways to improve hair loss: improve sleep quality, quit smoking and drinking, and adjust your diet.

Zhang Shiheng pointed out that sleep is very important. “Whether a person sleeps well, the quality and volume of hair is really much worse.” One reason is that quality sleep regulates stress in the body and avoids triggering immune cells to attack hair follicles.

Smoking and drinking alcohol can cause blood vessel problems, such as hardening of the arteries. Because hair follicles rely on blood to transport nutrients, when there is a problem with the fine blood flow of the hair follicle, the first thing to reflect is the health of the hair follicle.

In the part of dietary conditioning, it is necessary to give up irritating foods such as fried foods to prevent the hair follicles from secreting more oil and damaging the health of blood vessels.

At the same time, it can also supplement 7 kinds of nutrients:

1. Iron: animal sources include duck blood, pig blood, meat, fish and shellfish.

Plant sources include red amaranth, celery, black beet, seaweed, red phoenix, beans (such as soybeans, peas, red beans, mung beans), black dates, red dates, raisins, nuts seeds (such as sesame, cashew).

The absorption rate and utilization rate of animal-derived iron in the human body are better than those of plant-derived iron.

Iron from animal sources such as meat is better absorbed and utilized by the human body. (Shutterstock)

2. Protein: meat, dairy, eggs, seafood, beans, whole grains.

The main amino acids of collagen are glycine, proline, and proline, which can be ingested from these common foods.

3. Vitamin C: guava, kiwi, citrus fruits, papaya, strawberries, tomatoes, etc.

4. Zinc: Oysters, crabs, mussels, lobsters, clams, beef, pork, lamb, egg yolks, milk, yogurt, nuts (pumpkin seeds, cashews, almonds).

5. Vitamin B6: chickpeas, tuna, salmon, potatoes, bananas, chicken breast, pork liver. (Recommended reading:The top 3 foods for vitamin B complex are revealed, some of which you often eat

6. Folic acid (vitamin B9): pork liver, spinach, white rice, asparagus, avocado (avocado), broccoli (broccoli, broccoli).

7. Vitamin B12: beef liver, clams, tuna, salmon, beef, milk.

Zhang Shiheng added that if you want to get high-quality protein, iron, zinc, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and folic acid and other nutrients at the same time, you should eat meat. Moreover, white meat is better than red meat. Although white meat has less iron than red meat, white meat is less likely to cause inflammation in the body.

These nutrients can also be directly supplemented from health products, but Zhang Shiheng believes that it is still the priority to improve the diet.

Dr. Zhang Shiheng’s Fan Page

Living in a chaotic world, with a healthy mind in mind, look at health 1+1!

(Transfer from The Epoch Times/Editor-in-charge: Zhang Li)

URL of this article: https://www.ntdtv.com/b5/2022/05/07/a103420318.html



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