College of Physicians in BCS in favor of the medical school, but with a guarantee of resources

The College of Physicians in BCS is concerned that the school will run out of resources to guarantee quality education

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La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS). Regarding the medical school, which is still being considered to open in Baja California Sur, the College of Physicians in the state claims to agree, however, they have concerns such as the resources, which will be allocated, not only to the infrastructure, but to the hiring of administrative teaching staff.

In order to guarantee quality education, investments should also be made in laboratories and amphitheaters; this is why they recalled the case of the Salvatierra Hospital, whose finances are tight and there is a large maintenance deficiency —although this Monday it was announced that the Government invested 5 million pesos for its rehabilitation—.

The president of the College of Physicians of Baja California Sur, Liliana Bolanos assured that there are top-level specialists in the entity, but they end up leaving Sudcaliforniana when they see that the salaries are not competitive, unless they are hired by the State Workers Social Security and Services Institute (ISSSTE) or the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).

“We are talking with the Governor, and if he is willing and is committed to making a truly quality medical school, we have no reason to oppose it, because as South Californians we deserve good medical care,” he stressed.

Another important detail was when he spoke regarding the deputy’s proposal Edna Palacios, who wants the medical school to open on the Los Cabos campus of the Autonomous University of Baja California Sur (UABCS), noting that it would affect outside students, as it is an expensive municipality to live in.

With information from Elías Medina, El Sudcaliforniano

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