How much water should you drink in a day? Learn about the safe limit and the benefits

With the advent of summer, one needs to Drink a lot of water To stay hydrated, it doesn’t make sense for the body to lose a lot of fluid and this balance needs to be replenished and drinking water is the best way to do it.

70% of the body is made up of water and this helps maintain a healthy balance by removing toxins through sweating and urination. Water keeps the joints lubricated and experts recommend drinking eight glasses of water a day for overall health. But how much is too much?

How much water should be drunk per day?

According to most experts,thehealthsite“, that in order to reap the benefits of staying hydrated, one should drink two to three liters of water throughout the day. In terms of health benefits, this habit has the following::

  • Supports energy levels

  • prevents dehydration

  • Clear skin

  • Improves focus

  • lifts mood

  • Helps lose weight

  • Reduces calorie intake and hunger pangs

Drinking more than three liters of water per day may backfire by causing bloating. Besides, it can have the following side effects.:

  • Nausea

  • vomiting

  • Tired

  • fatigue

  • Muscle weakness that cramps easily

  • Change the color of body parts

  • Pulsating headache during the day

  • Stay hydrated but strike a balance, this is the key to staying healthy during the summer.



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