Tom, cyclist, faces a fine of 76 euros for attaching his bike to a pole

More and more people are letting themselves be tempted by cycling in the city. But many cyclists do not know the parking rules. Recently, a man was surprised to receive a PV of 76 euros for having attached his bicycle to a pole.

I was untying my bike from the post I had tied it to and I see a police officer coming towards me. So I look at him and he explains to me that it is forbidden to attach your bike to a post and that you have to attach it to the street furniture provided for this purpose.“, explains the cyclist.

The highway code does not give any list of prohibited places to park. The Institute for Road Safety recalls the rules in this area.

Cyclists must park their bike off the road, of course, and not on the road. And in such a way that parking does not make it dangerous, nor does it hinder the circulation of other users. And so you can keep it on a sidewalk, but it must not hinder or make dangerous the circulation of pedestrians for example“, explains Benoit Godart, spokesperson for VIAS.

Sometimes you have to walk a little further to park your bike in the right place and avoid a bad surprise.



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