Orlando Barone won a millionaire lawsuit against Public TV for his participation in 6,7,8: he will charge $15 million

The company Radio y Televisión Argentina (RTA), which is run by Rosario Lufrano, paid $2.5 million to journalist Orlando Barone.

The “Payment Agreement”, to which you exclusively agreed Clarioncontemplates the payment of other five equal, monthly and consecutive installments of $2.5 million to the militant journalist ultra K, who worked in the production company of the Kirchnerist businessmen Cristóbal López and Fabián de Sousa, Pensado Para Televisión (PPT).

The “Agreement” was following PPT and RTA lost a millionaire lawsuitas part of a total compensation that the state company agreed with the militant journalist in $15 million, for his participation in the program 6,7,8.

The state company that manages Public TV and National Radio agreed to pay $15,052,343 to Orlando Barone, $3,551,600 to the attorney Leandro Recalde and $903,141 to the expert accountantof which he has already paid $4.6 million.

According to the signed Agreement, it is expected that next monday be paid $3.7 million to Barone and his lawyer Leandro Recalde -brother of the camporista senator Mariano Recalde-, member of the Current of Labor Lawyers July 7 and the legal study of the former head of the block of Kirchnerist deputies Héctor Recalde.

Barone was one of the panelists from the beginning of the ultra-kirchnerist program 6,7,8, in April 2009, until it ended in December 2015. And it is the only one of all those who worked there who managed to win his labor lawsuit and start collecting his millionaire compensation.

Official sources pointed to Clarion that RTA was “sentenced” by the Justice and that “labor sentences of this nature are usually legally joint and several; that is, the Justice understands that due to the existing link, the production company and the channel must pay the sentence Then, for the worker, it is indifferent to try the total collection once morest one or the other, and they usually go once morest who is more solvent”.

The ruling of the National Chamber of Labor Appeals established that the production company Pensado Para Televisión (PPT), created by Diego Gvirtz, had to pay “$3,947,119” in compensation to Barone, plus interest, for which the state company RTA was jointly and severally liable “up to the sum of $3,787,399” .

PPT was bought in 2015 by the Indalo Group, from Kirchnerist businessmen Cristóbal López and Fabián de Sousa. But Barone chose to require RTA to pay compensation, for being “jointly and severally liable”as established by the judicial ruling of the Labor Chamber.

“It has been possible to reach a payment agreement between the parties that grants certainty in the payment of their claims to The Plaintiff, her Legal Representative and the Expert Accountant, thus avoiding tax damage to The Company”, establishes the agreement between RTA and Barone, entitled “Formula final judgment payment agreement”to which he had exclusive access Clarion.

The agreement contemplates the payment to Barone of $15,052,343, in six installments “equal, monthly and consecutive” of $2,508,724 each, which are paid on the 15th of the months of April, May, June, July, August and September 2022.

Attorney Leandro Recalde’s fees are paid in three installments equal, monthly and consecutive amounts of $1,183,867, payable on the 15th of the months of April, May and June.

And the expert accountant was paid in a single installment of $903,141, on April 15.

The agreed total is $19,507,085, of which $4,595,732 have already been paid. And it is expected that another $3,692,591 will be paid next Monday, as established in the “Payment Agreement”.

In that agreement, RTA reserves the right to “repeat the corresponding amounts once morest co-defendant Pensado Para Televisión SA”.

According to judicial sources, also the expansionist Edgardo Mocca would be on trial once morest PPT and RTA to collect his compensation for the completion of the program 6,7,8 on Public TV. And several expanelistas of 6,7,8 initiated lawsuits once morest RTA, but for their participation in programs on Radio Nacional.

The Trial of Orlando Barone

Barone filed a lawsuit once morest PPT and RTA in September 2016, for considering himself fired in March of that year, following claiming that they continue to pay him the monthly salary of $53,240 ($44,000 plus VAT)following the end of the program 6,7,8 on Public TV.

The judge of first instance Gabriela Susana Cruz Devoto sentenced on September 30, 2019 to PPT -and in solidarity to RTA- to pay the former ultra K journalist the sum of $4,053,599, adding 13 items, among which was severance pay, salaries for the month of dismissal, salaries for January and February 2016, bonuses for the last two years and proportional vacations.

PPT and RTA appealed that sentence and the Chamber of Labor confirmed the ruling of first instance, on September 4, 2020, with some modifications.

Chambermaids Gabriela Alejandra Vázquez and María Cecilia Hockl established that it was not appropriate to pay Barone for the months of January and February 2016, because it was clear that the program ended at the end of 2015. The start date of the employment contract was also set in May 2009.

Due to these modifications, among others, the Chamber of Labor lowered the amount of the sentence a littleto $3,947,119 (plus interest), instead of the $4,053,599 that the first instance judge had established.

With interest updates, the total amount was set to $15,052,343 to Orlando Barone$3,551,600 to the lawyer Leandro Recalde and $903,141 to the expert accountant.

The journalist who generated so many controversies will receive a millionaire compensation, like the one he starred in with Beatriz Sarlo, who told him the remembered phrase “Not with me, Barone”; or the poem that he titled “The beautiful shit”, where he said that “you have to shit beautifully in journalism dirty with arrogance and you pay so prosperous that it deperiodizes it”.

Finally, the journalist who said so much defending state participation in the economy, manages to collect almost $20 million from the state company RTA, as compensation for his work of six and a half years in a private production company, which broadcast his program on Public TV.

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