Residents reported that “there is a lion hiding in the grass”, but it was “this thing” that experts were armed on guard to capture | International | CTWANT

An oolong incident occurred in Meru County, Kenya, on the 5th. A resident informed the Kenya Wildlife Service that there were lions on the farm, and the staff of the relevant units did not dare to be careless. The pattern made everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

According to “Republicworld” reports, a farm worker in Kiangua village (Kiangua) was horrified to find a wild lion resting in the grass a few days ago. Due to the recent disappearance of livestock in the local area, he rushed to notify the Wildlife Service. deal with. After local officials and three armed experts were notified, they put on protective equipment and rushed to the scene immediately.

Unexpectedly, when the personnel of the relevant unit were concentrating on capturing the lion, they discovered that the lion was just a realistic pattern on a shopping bag, and everyone immediately let go of their nervousness. The owner of the farm then came forward to explain that he put the things on the shady hedge so that the seedlings of the avocado trees in the bag would not be damaged by the sun, and then went out. When he returned home, he heard someone warned that there were lions on the farm. It is not clear what happened, and there is no thought of shopping bags at all, which caused the Oolong incident.

Residents eventually discovered that the lion was just a realistic pattern on a shopping bag. (Photo/Retrieved from kwskenya Twitter)

The Kenya Wildlife Service said followingwards that it received a number of reports from local villagers at the time of the incident, and they all pointed out that a large lion was hiding in the hedge, so it sent a team from Meru County to the scene to avoid casualties. Fortunately, it was finally confirmed. Just a false alarm.



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