- The virtual day will take place on Friday, May 20 from 12:00 p.m., on the Zoom platform.
The Undersecretary of Sport and Recreation, dependent on the Government Secretariat of the Municipality of Córdoba, organizes a virtual talk with doctors Jorge Franchella and Domingo Usin, called “Exercise is Medicine”.
Registration, free and with limited space, is made at the following link: https://forms.gle/dWcSvPxnNwgVWeYS7.
For reports, call 433-6007 or via email to [email protected]
Dr. Jorge Franchella, cardiologist and sports specialist, will tell regarding his experience of what he learned at the American College of Sports Medicine, of which he is a member.
Meanwhile, Dr. Domingo Usin, cardiologist and member of the Department of Sports Cardiology at Hospital Clinic Barcelona and representative in Córdoba of the Exercise is Medicine program, will elaborate on the importance of jumping from the vicious circle to the virtuous circle.