Consideration of strengthening financial income taxation, consideration not to damage the investment environment = Chief Cabinet Secretary | Reuters

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said at a press conference on the followingnoon of the 9th that he would consider strengthening financial income taxation with due consideration so as not to impair the environment in which general investors can easily invest. Photograph of the material, taken in October 2021 (2022 / Kim Kyung-Hoon)

[Tokyo 9th]–Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said at a meeting on the followingnoon of the 9th that he would consider strengthening financial income taxation with due consideration not to impair the environment in which general investors can easily invest. Showed the policy.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced an “asset income doubling plan” in a lecture given in London on the 5th, but Secretary-General Matsuno was asked regarding the relationship with the strengthening of financial income taxation that the Kishida administration is considering. Explained that the plan is to consider the creation of a new mechanism to guide the people’s deposits and savings to asset management by radically expanding NISA (Nippon Individual Savings Account).

At that time, the ruling party tax reform outline for 2022 stated, “We will give due consideration not to impair the environment in which general investors can easily invest, and comprehensively consider the impact on the systems and markets of other countries. He said that he would consider it with due consideration for “doing it.”

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