Mérida, destination with the last Cardio vacancy in MIR 2022

Applicants to the MIR 2022.

The most demanded specialty to date by the MIR aspirants, Cardiology, reaches the eighth allocation session with only one place available. The specialty has not managed to close its quota of places in access to the Specialized Health Training (FSE) for the Medicine degree. According to the latest data published this Saturday by the Ministry of Healthstill vacant a square of this area that corresponds to Merida Hospital, Extremadura, delivering just one in the last assignment session. The assigned position for Cardiology this Saturday was at the University Clinic of Navarra. In the latter, the organization has summoned all the candidates with order numbers between 2801-3200.

A Cardiology follows him very closely Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, which has awarded a place in this Saturday’s session, which means that the specialty has 89 percent of the places awarded. In this sense, Oral y Maxillofación still has available four vacanciesbelonging to the following hospitals: Hospital Universitario de Torrecárdenas in Almería, Hospital Universitario de Canarias de San Cristóbal de la Laguna, Hospital Universitario de Navarra and Hospital Universitario Donostia.

As far as the CCAA with the highest percentage of assigned seatsleads the ranking Madrid’s community with 51.34 percent of its vacancies occupied, followed by Basque Country with 47.86 percent and Murcia with 44.06 percent. On the contrary, in terms of the Autonomous Communities with the lowest rate of assigned places, Ceuta and Melilla are found with 0 percent, followed by La Rioja with 14.24 percent.

With 92 percent of its seats awarded, Anesthesiology and Resuscitation has awarded a total of 34 places in this eighth allocation session, which means that there are still 31 remaining places available from the 395 offered by the ministerial body.

In fourth place of the specialties closest to exhausting their places is Ophthalmologywhat has assigned 16 seats in this last session, which means that 92 percent of the 213 places offered are covered. And, in fifth place as another of the medical specialties with the highest percentage of assigned places, 85 percent, is Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatologywhat has allocated 40 places in this eighth session.

Otorhinolaryngology, with 80% of its places assigned

Otorhinolaryngology has assigned 15 places in this last assignment session, which means that the specialty has 80 percent of its assigned places. Even so, there are still 20 vacancies out of the 102 offered in the MIR 2022. This one is closely followed Digestive system with 79 percent of its places covered and, in this case, it has allocated 17 places.

With 76 percent of the places awarded are the specialties of Neurosurgery and Urology, allocating four and 22 seats, respectively. These are closely followed by the specialty that has been released this year in the process, Legal and Forensic Medicine, with 75 percent of its places awarded. Regarding the latter, only one place has been assigned in this eighth assignment session, leaving two remaining places vacant.

For its part, Neurology and Radiodiagnosis they are also two specialties close to exhausting their places, with 73 and 70 percent respectively. As for the first, 9 places have been assigned in this last session, with 43 places still remaining out of the 157 offered. And, regarding the second, a total of 23 places have been assigned this Saturday and 82 places remain vacant of the 272 offered.

As for other specialties that exceed 50 percent of the places awarded, there are Obstetrics and Gynecology with 66 percent, Pediatric Surgery with 65 percent, Endocrinology and Nutrition with 63 percent, Pediatrics and Specific Areas with 62 percent and, finally, Medical Oncologywith 53 percent of the places covered.

MIR 2022 specialties that have not yet been released

Regarding MIR 2022 specialties that have not yet been released In the adjudication process, there are five medical specialties: Radiation Oncology, Nuclear medicine, Work Medicine, Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Analysisall with zero percent of the seats awarded.

Those that have been released but with a low award percentage are Allergology, Geriatrics y Family and Community Medicine, with 4 percent. follow them very closely Clinical Neurophysiology with five percent, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation y Preventive medicine and public healthboth with seven percent of their seats awarded.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.



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