For God’s sake never buy these trucks!

The moment in which you buy a truck will not go unnoticed, whether or not you are interested in vehicles or whether or not you are a lover of them, it is a unique moment that sometimes will not be repeated in your life.

Beyond making the best decision regarding choosing a ride you like, there are other motor and performance characteristics that you should take into account otherwise… you will end up buying one of these trucks that are the worst in the world..

Buick Enclave

Already the fact that the Buick Enclave It has been manufactured only over a yearfrom 2008 to 2009, tells you how poor their sales performance and public acceptance was.

The idea of Buick of assembling a modern car that displaces the Rendezvous and the Rainier SUV happened with the Enclave, but for a short time. To begin, the broadcast GM-Ford 6T75 did not meet expectations. And while many of these units were retrofitted, You should drive carefully if you have one of these models.

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