400 guests came to Graz for Schützenhöfer’s 70th birthday

Chancellor Nehammer also praised the Styrian governor: “He is a political role model for me: drilling hard boards has to do with courage and assertiveness.” Nehammer acknowledged the reform coalition with Voves at the time: “Few in the country would have dared to do that. You did it once morest a lot of resistance.” It is an example of how to carry through controversial decisions and then get it right. Politicians demand this “courage in making decisions”.

“Brings me respect”

Vice Chancellor Kogler – he and Schützenhöfer both live in the Graz district of Andritz and meet there occasionally – thanked the governor for his handshake quality, prudence and foresight: “It commands respect from me how Franz Voves and you managed such a differentiated country with cohesion. ” Deputy Governor Anton Lang (SPÖ) thanked his coalition partner: “You always treated the Social Democrats and me fairly, at a time that wasn’t easy for us. Thank you for that.”

Among the guests were the former “Mrs. Governor” Waltraud Klasnic, who Schützenhöfer personally thanked for coming. The celebrant also thanked his entire family and his Marianne, “the stroke of luck in my life”. Also among the well-wishers were the former Vice-Chancellor Hannes Androsch and Josef Riegler, the Mayor of Graz Elke Kahr (KPÖ), the club bosses from the state parliament Mario Kunasek (FPÖ) and Sandra Krautwaschl (Greens), all chamber presidents and university rectors as well the former bishop Egon Kapellari.



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