Alix Battard returns to the cancer of his daughter, Théodora (video)

Alix Battard was one of the personalities who gave voice this morning to boost sales of gold records presented this year for the benefit of Télévie. Coming to present Clara Luciani’s album, “Heart”, which was finally sold for 20,000 euros, the presenter of JT also confided in her personal experience with the disease. Christian De Paepe also thanked her for coming to talk regarding these difficult times, faithful to “the spirit of Télévie”. ” The diagnosis was almost six years ago. Theodora came out of this disease almost five years ago, and she is doing very well. “ she confided, regarding the eldest of the two daughters, that she had with her husband, Laurent Haulotte.

Keen to send a message of hope and encourage those going through the same thing right now, she continued, ” There really is a very positive life following illness. We don’t erase what happened, it will always remain with us, but we try to keep the best, we try to keep only the good memories. The journalist ended with a nod to Mademoiselle Luna, who, according to her, embodies this philosophy very well. ” We can also go through the disease by seeing the bright moments, the moments of exchange, the moments of strength, of support. ” she pointed out, before concluding ” And us, that’s what we mostly keep from the disease. »

As a reminder, in the summer of 2016, Alix Battard and Laurent Haulotte, learned that their daughter, who was then only two and a half years old, had kidney cancer. ” We were on vacation and she was walking around in a bathing suit all the time, she had just been potty trained. All children have baby bellies, but Théodora really had a very swollen belly, a big belly. And I remember that feeling it while changing it, I said to myself ‘well, I feel that there is something a little hard in his stomach. And I didn’t worry anymore, but still, during these two weeks of vacation, I said to myself: “It’s weird, there’s no reason for there to be this hard ball
”” recalled the young mother in the podcast “Sea You Son”, in January 2021. Back in Brussels, and following an ultrasound, the verdict fell: “ There, the doctor arrived and when she introduced herself, I immediately understood, because she said to me “hello, I am a doctor in the oncology department”. (…) Théodora was on my knees, I immediately understood what it was all regarding, but my first concern was to reassure her. The tears flowed, but without her seeing it. I was trying to wipe them away »



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