Jam Charattha, crying, reveals the reason for the collapse of the wedding I decided to break up with my boyfriend 2 months before the wedding.

Jam Charattha, crying, reveals the reason for the wedding collapse, cuts off “Kit”, a businessman’s boyfriend, two months before the wedding

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Closing the scene of love for 7 years. Female singer. Jam Charattha Set a table to make a statement to open up regarding quitting lightning. “Kit” A businessman boyfriend who is regarding to have a wedding in the next 2 months. for the reason that lifestyles can’t go together therefore willing to let the man go to live the life he wants

What happened?
“It was quite sudden. Many people may be shocked. Actually, Jam started chasing to tell his friends. Told the guests that in 2 months we will get married. We’ve been together for 7 years, but there’s a lot going on that following 7 years it’s not like the first year we’ve known each other. As we get to know each other better, we start to see that there are many things that don’t match up in many matters. Overall, it’s a matter of attitudes regarding thinking, speaking, or living. The priorities in life are not in sync.

which is actually the jam itself Maybe it’s us too as we grow up and our outlook on life has changed. It’s more then 2-3 years ago trying to adjust everything together. where we try to adjust everything towards him But in the end it made us suffer And Jam thinks that our marriage or living together might bring us closer together. But when we live have been together longer We see that they are incompatible. Well, it’s not regarding whether we’re in love, not in love, or out of love. Jam still loves him. And I still hope for the best (trembling voice).”

When did you decide it was better to stop?
“Actually, we’re a couple who don’t get along at all in terms of lifestyle or anything. But it’s like living with love But as we get closer to getting married, the more things we think regarding. We have learned that living together for the rest of our lives is not just love.”

Have you decided to tell him yet?
“Actually, we’ve been thinking for regarding 2-3 months what we should do. Will we continue or will we just stop? because what is, it hurts our hearts inside as well And we know that we can’t be the one who fills him one hundred percent completely. We know ourselves well, if we do it we will not be happy and we will suffer from it.”

Do we think for ourselves or talk to people around us or with him?
“This is what we think of ourselves. And then we try to tell and adjust to each other. But his elder brother was one hundred percent complete and he had been like this for a long time. But we ourselves are not honest with our own needs. Well, Jam is a (still) person, that is, we feel that we don’t appreciate our own needs enough. And when it’s almost time, it’s been a long 7 years until in the end we know that we can’t force it.

Asked regarding the love that we have for us is one hundred percent. But as I said, it’s regarding love and living. Well, married life has to be a matter of not just girlfriends, dating, you love me, I love you, that’s all. But when we get married, it’s regarding the direction of living. How do we prioritize what is more important in life?”

Are you afraid of having a family?
“I’m not afraid of having a family. But Jam sees that we will live with someone who will become our husband. We must look in the same direction. Then what is going to happen that we perceive that we see is not the same direction. and we tried to talk It has always been controversial.”

Do we feel that he is not trying to adjust like we are trying to adjust?
“For Jam, he is already himself. He’s not a bad person or a selfish person or anything. He already had a direction for his life. But what we have just discovered is where we feel that it is not our approach. And we try to think and we try to think and adjust ourselves and see if we can walk with him. But in the end, we know it’s once morest it. It’s supposed to be happy for both of them, but it’s not like that. It was like causing torture for two people. Jam then felt that Okay, maybe we’ll have to accept the truth. What made it last this long was that Jam didn’t accept the truth.”

Did it hold it all the way to the end of its passion?
“(trembling voice) I would say yes. Jam himself forged this relationship for a long time. It was something that I didn’t want to happen. But at some point, we know that we accept the truth of what it is. We can’t get along no matter how hard we try, but they can’t get along no matter how much we love each other. So Jam thought he wanted to end this relationship. We want him to have a life in a way that meets someone who can go with him 100%, which that person knows that is not us. We don’t want to be selfish. And then continue this relationship (crying).”

We want to set him free?
“Yes, we know that many things in us are not the way he wants. which we can only say that we cannot love him is that we love someone for everything that we are. a shared future It has to be loved without us trying. That’s Jam’s ideal love. But since it has to try everything, it causes the relationship to gradually fade away. We don’t want to keep doing it like this. And we also want him to know what happened. And what happened, we really can’t adjust it.”

So you decide?
“Yes, it’s his end as well. He reached out to us like this. Personally, we can apply. But we know that it’s not all from comfort. So I think it’s like a toxic relationship. It’s not a love that can go any further.”

How’s your family?
“For the family, our opinions are respected. He asked if it was a good idea. Well, Jam reviewed this for a long time. I didn’t tell anyone at first. because we are not sure if it will be just what we think But it dragged on for years. And then come to think more heavily over the past 2-3 months. So had to decide to stop at this point. Because wanting to make love this time, it stops at just this memory The image that we see him as a person What are we like?

In the past, it wasn’t that Jam didn’t love him at all. Jam was always thankful that he was always by Jam’s side. and support everything And Jam apologizes for not being able to be a person. that can give him Jam is still worried regarding him today. But Jam knows that if he meets the person he loves and people who can get along with them all He will be happier.”

A wedding dress that’s already cut?
“Right now the outfit is in France. Finished cutting, preparing to send back (laughs). As for the wedding card, now I have made an e-card invitation. It’s ready to send to everyone. It’s a pity that it’s not something we’ve been together for a long time. or a wedding that we would like to arrange Those things weren’t important at all. But what he regrets is that we don’t try hard enough to be people. that his We cannot transcend what we are. And we can’t adjust to each other. So it makes us sad.

and what we expected him to be for us or what he expects us to be for him It can’t go together no matter how we try to adjust How do you try to talk? Suppose that if we are selfish We should be selfish couples together. but it’s not Therefore, it has to stop.”

Family reasons for each party?
“Family reasons are irrelevant. His whole family is very cute. He always loved and cared for Jam. which Jam felt very sorry for causing the family His mother was disappointed. But Jam now thinks that this decision is a decision so that everyone can move on properly.”

How is the encouragement from friends and people around you?
“(smiles) Well, he was worried. because he knows that we are very thoughtful people My friends will always stop by (laughs) afraid that we will be distracted. But it was something we decided that it was a relief that we weren’t pleased. It’s not something we’re willing to let it happen. It was what Jam felt. Jam made the best and cheapest decision we might sift through. But it’s not the kind of joy we’d like it to happen.

And 7 years ago, it was a feeling that we wouldn’t leave it behind. It’s a feeling that we’ll always keep because we don’t hate him. not angry with him Jam also thanked him for understanding and respecting Jam’s decision. He will still be the one person in Jam’s life who Jam still loves always.”

Do we have any contact with him?
“There was some talk. But in the end, if we’re going to break up, we have to cut it all out so that he can step out and live the life he wants without being attached to us anymore.

This wound is quite severe, will it affect the next move?
“This is a very big lesson that Jam taught. We know that if someone enters our lives in the future, we must be more honest with our own needs. We shouldn’t let our feelings go. The one thing that ruined everything was because Jam didn’t love himself at all. Jam does not give importance to or feel his own needs. causing everything to accumulate until now But asking if you want to talk to someone right now or open your heart, it may not be time for us to feel like we want to talk to someone. I want to be with myself for a bit.”



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