Egyptians love it.. a forbidden meal for the Emperor of Japan

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and bear those killer fish Several names, in Egypt they are called the names of rabbit, tick and balloon, and in Japan They call it fugu.

Symptoms of poisoning following that meal include severe vomiting and nausea, muscle paralysis, low blood pressure and a rate of Heartbeatnumbness of the body, shortness of breath, and may reach paralysis or coma, and there is no vaccine or treatment for it.

The skin and visceral organs of that fish contain sharp toxic substances, including the compound tyrodotoxin, and scientists confirm that it is more deadly than cyanide, according to the newspaper. "Daily Star" British.

A very small amount of this poison is capable of causing death, but this does not make some people refrain from eating the meat of that fish, but following removing its poisonous innards and skins, people with poisoning usually live following eating that meal for more than 24 hours, or they may live Under the weight of a coma for several days before death.

just "National Geographic"The fugu is the deadliest fish in the world, as one fish carries a neurotoxin capable of killing 30 people, and its effect is 30 times stronger than the deadly cyanide compound.

The last death

In Bangladesh, a number of deaths related to eating this deadly fish were reported a few days ago, as 5 people including 2 children died and 12 others fell ill following eating the fish in Jaintapur Upazila in Sylhet.

Fugu is very popular among the Japanese, and is a delicious meal worth the adventure, so they ensure that it is safe for consumption by adopting appropriate processing techniques, with certain requirements.

Despite the dangers of eating adult fugu meat, its price is very high, in addition to risking your life if it is not prepared properly, this food item may cost you more than $ 300 per fish, and it is included in the famous Japanese sushi meal.

Only highly experienced, trained and licensed chefs are permitted to cook and serve this fish.

Due to its extreme danger, fugu is the only food forbidden to Emperor of JapanTo save his life, according to "National Geographic".

The ruin of the killer

In the Egyptian Canal region, which includes the governorates of Ismailia, Port Said, and Suez, fishermen boast of their mastery of dissecting this fish, which is locally called the hare or the stingray.

And videos of cleaning this deadly fish are spreading among fishermen and citizens, despite repeated warnings from the authorities.

The owners of these videos warn once morest repeating their experience, stressing that this method is dangerous and does not guarantee that there will be no poisoning from eating that meal.

The fishermen dissect the fish and peel off its skin without affecting its innards, as any scratching of its internal organs threatens to spread poison in the non-toxic part.

For years, the Egyptian authorities, through the Ministries of Health and Interior, warned of this fish and launched several awareness campaigns to publicize the dangers of this deadly fish, but some traders are still trading it in the markets.

She warned once morest not knowing this fish when buying, as it disappears between small fishIt is difficult to distinguish in small size, and is sometimes sold following dissection.


and bear those killer fish Several names, in Egypt they are called the names of rabbit, tick and balloon, and in Japan They call it fugu.

Symptoms of poisoning following that meal include severe vomiting and nausea, muscle paralysis, low blood pressure and a rate of Heartbeatnumbness of the body, shortness of breath, and may reach paralysis or coma, and there is no vaccine or treatment for it.

The skin and visceral organs of that fish contain sharp toxic substances, including the compound tyrodotoxin, and scientists confirm that it is more deadly than cyanide, according to the British newspaper, “Daily Star”.

A very small amount of this poison is capable of causing death, but this does not make some people refrain from eating the meat of that fish, but following removing its poisonous innards and skins, people with poisoning usually live following eating that meal for more than 24 hours, or they may live Under the weight of a coma for several days before death.

according to “National GeographicThe fugu is the deadliest fish in the world, as one fish carries a nerve poison capable of killing 30 people, and its effect is 30 times stronger than the deadly cyanide compound.

The last death

In Bangladesh, a number of deaths related to eating this deadly fish were reported a few days ago, as 5 people including 2 children died and 12 others fell ill following eating the fish in Jaintapur Upazila in Sylhet.

Fugu is very popular among the Japanese, and is a delicious meal worth the adventure, so they ensure that it is safe for consumption by adopting appropriate processing techniques, with certain requirements.

Despite the dangers of eating adult fugu meat, its price is very high, in addition to risking your life if it is not prepared properly, this food item may cost you more than $ 300 per fish, and it is included in the famous Japanese sushi meal.

Only highly experienced, trained and licensed chefs are permitted to cook and serve this fish.

Due to its extreme danger, fugu is the only food forbidden to Emperor of JapanTo save his life, according to National Geographic.

The ruin of the killer

In the Egyptian Canal region, which includes the governorates of Ismailia, Port Said, and Suez, fishermen boast of their mastery of dissecting this fish, which is locally called the hare or the stingray.

And videos of cleaning this deadly fish are spreading among fishermen and citizens, despite repeated warnings from the authorities.

The owners of these videos warn once morest repeating their experience, stressing that this method is dangerous and does not guarantee that there will be no poisoning from eating that meal.

The fishermen dissect the fish and peel off its skin without affecting its innards, as any scratching of its internal organs threatens to spread poison in the non-toxic part.

For years, the Egyptian authorities, through the Ministries of Health and Interior, warned of this fish and launched several awareness campaigns to publicize the dangers of this deadly fish, but some traders are still trading it in the markets.

She warned once morest not knowing this fish when buying, as it disappears between small fishIt is difficult to distinguish in small size, and is sometimes sold following dissection.



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