Siniora to Asharq Al-Awsat: The boycott handes Lebanon over to “Hezbollah”

Expatriates in the Gulf open elections with high turnout

Former Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora spoke regarding the reasons for his decision to enter the parliamentary elections, despite the decision of the head of the “Future” bloc, Saad Hariri, to suspend political work. Emergency and personal interests,” considering that these “serve some forces that try to apply to the Lebanese state and the Lebanese constitutional institutions through the Parliament, and to influence the process of electing a President of the Republic and to use the majority if they obtain it in Parliament, and what they can obtain from other support in the parliament.” Parliament due to intimidation, threats and influence in order to contribute to amending the constitution and legalizing Hezbollah’s weapons.

Regarding what it means for Hezbollah’s victory in the elections, Siniora said that this victory, if it happens, “changes the face of Lebanon, a democratic, economic, free, cultural, open and respectful of the role of the state and its free decision, the constitution and the independence of the judiciary,” referring to “all manifestations of sabotage of the democratic system and manifestations of sabotaging the independence of the judiciary and manifestations of sabotage of balances.” The internal affairs and balances in Lebanon’s foreign policy and its relationship with the Arab brothers and the world and friendly countries… The features of the so-called respect for Arab and international legitimate decisions are all collapsing, and Lebanon will no longer be possible to save if we continue in this way.

The first phase of the parliamentary elections began yesterday with the vote of expatriates in 9 Arab countries and Iran, and will be completed tomorrow, Sunday, in 48 countries in Europe, North and South America, Australia and Africa, and on Sunday it is a weekly holiday. 195 thousand voters registered their names to vote in these countries. Foreign Minister Abdullah Bou Habib expected that 70 percent of the voter turnout in the countries where the Lebanese voted yesterday.

Since the morning, a remarkable turnout has been recorded at the ballot boxes in various countries.
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