A quick diet After the end of the blessed month of Ramadan, many people are looking for fast dieting systems in order to lose a lot of weight in a few days, and today we will learn regarding the most important of these saving systems on holidays and occasions, the quick green apple diet to lose 5 kilos in 5 days, it is known that apples contain carbohydrates and fiber Nutritional, protein, water and vitamins. Apples also contain folic acid, salts and minerals such as phosphorous, magnesium, iron and calcium.
Apples are included in many diets to lose weight because of their effectiveness in these programs and their great benefits, and for the success of the apple diet, it is recommended to eat eight glasses of water per day, and the fast green apple diet is:
First day:
Eat a kilo and a half of green apples divided into the three meals, taking care to drink water.
the second day:
- Breakfast is green apple.
- Lunch is a green salad with lemon juice without oil, an apple and two slices of skim milk.
- Dinner is a green apple.
the third day:
- Breakfast is a slice of whole wheat bread and one apple.
- Lunch is a green salad, an apple and two carrots.
- Dinner is one apple.
the fourth day:
- Breakfast is a slice of bread and one apple.
- Lunch is 200 grams of tuna, lemon juice and boiled vegetable soup without potatoes.
- Dinner is a glass of skim milk and one apple.
The fifth day:
- Breakfast is one apple, one boiled egg and a slice of bread.
- Lunch is a salad of boiled vegetables and 200 grams of grilled or boiled chicken.
- Dinner is one apple.
Fast dates and water diet:
The water and dates diet is one of the quick regimes that loses weight quickly in a short time. Follow the water and dates diet for three days to lose three kilograms of your weight.
the breakfast :
Drink a large glass of water and eat seven dates.
Five dates are taken with a large glass of water.
Eat five dates with a large glass of water.
Quick water diet:
Many people, especially women and girls, are looking for a quick way to lose weight, and many of them are looking for a water diet, believing that it will lose weight in a quick way. Women and girls resort to these regimes, especially with the advent of holidays and on various occasions such as weddings in order to lose a few kilograms in a quick way. It is known that Water contains no calories.
In addition to that it is important for all members of the body and increases the burning of fat in the body and reduces the feeling of nausea and rid the body of toxins, and today we will learn regarding the water diet system, but in a healthy way to lose the largest amount of weight in a very fast way, but it should not be continued for a long time so as not to harms the body.
Water diet to lose 6 kilos in three days:
You should walk an hour a day or exercise for forty-five minutes a day, eat the allowed natural fruits per day, drink boiled parsley before eating and drink green tea following eating with a glass of cold water every hour.
First day:
Eat vegetables and whole grains with orange juice without sugar and drink a cup of cold water every hour before eating we drink boiled parsley and following food we drink a cup of green tea.
the second day:
Eat vegetable soup with only yogurt throughout the day, divided into three meals, taking care to drink water, green tea and parsley boiled.
the third day:
Eat orange juice without sugar only throughout the day divided into meals, you can make a detox with this diet and eat it throughout the day and it consists of:
- Quarter of a large cup of lemon juice.
- Slices of lemon.
- liters of cold water.
- In a clean bottle, put lemon juice, lemon slices and water and drink it throughout the day.
- In this diet, you should completely abstain from carbohydrates such as rice, bread, pasta and fast food.