Murder of a 64-year-old lady in Mont-Saint-Guibert: a young suspect placed under arrest warrant

A young suspect was placed on Thursday under an arrest warrant following a murder perpetrated the day before in Mont-Saint-Guibert, we learned Friday from the Walloon Brabant prosecutor’s office.

The lifeless body of a resident of Mont-Saint-Guibert, born in 1958, was discovered Wednesday evening around 8:00 p.m. at her home. The lady probably lived there alone. Wounds on the victim’s body revealed traces of blows from a blunt object. The thesis of homicide was therefore immediately favored by the judicial authorities and an investigating judge was seized. A man born in 1999 and domiciled in Mont-Saint-Guibert was identified as a suspect and arrested on Thursday. In confession of the facts with which he is charged, the individual was charged with murder and theft. He was placed under arrest warrant and imprisoned. The motives of the alleged murderer remain to be determined.



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