Reactions with emojis to messages have already arrived on WhatsApp

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Image: WhatsApp.

One of the novelties that WhatsApp recently announced was working to bring to all users, are the reactions to the messages. The idea is simple, but very effective: mark a message with an emoji to react to it without having to reply with a new message. The idea of ​​this function is to avoid that in a group, for example, dozens of people respond with individual messages to a question or comment.

These reactions from now on begin to be available on WhatsApp. The function arrives with the most recent update of the app to all users, so in the next few hours or days it will also be available on your phone and your devices.

Again, it is an extremely simple novelty but it will help avoid both the sending of unnecessary and excessive messages in a group, as well as the notifications of these same messages, since only the person receiving the reactions will be notified and not the rest of the group. [via[víaWhatsApp]



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