What are they and what are their implications for health?

Having a balanced diet is essential within a healthy lifestyle, since it is from food that the human being obtains most of the nutrients he needs for proper functioning.

In accordance with According to the World Health Organization, access to safe and nutritious food in sufficient quantities is vital for maintaining good health. Likewise, the entity points out, the intake of unhealthy food, which may be contaminated by bacteria, viruses or other harmful substances, is responsible for more than 200 diseases that can endanger life.

However, it is not only harmless or contaminated food that can cause illness in humans. According to the portal on health Lazarraga, There are certain foods that generate negative effects on the body, these are characterized by altering glucose and insulin levels.

The problem with these foods, known as ‘aggressors’, is that they tend to increase these compounds in the body, to levels higher than those necessary for the body to perform certain functions, so that additional amount accumulates in the form of fat.

In an article for the portal better with health, nutritionist Maria Patricia Pinero Corredor agrees that there are some foods that can affect health. According to the medical journal Heredianathere are many foods that can produce a risk dietaryas is the case with ultra-processed and natural foods that contain certain components that trigger chronic non-communicable diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity”, the expert needs.

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What are the ‘offending’ foods?

The article written by the professionals of Lazarraga identifies two types of food: A and E. The first are those who lose weight and a second type groups those who gain weight.

Some of the Type A foods are:

  • Pollo
  • Carne
  • Fish
  • Seafood
  • cheeses
  • Eggs
  • Vegetables
  • Homemade vegetable smoothies
  • Salad
  • Some nuts like almonds and walnuts
  • Fruits like apple and strawberries

Type E foods, which are those that are characterized by promoting weight gain, include bread, milk, pasta, fruit juices, flour, rice, bananas, chips, tubers , cereals, sugars, sugary soft drinks, sweets and chocolates.

Now, It should be noted that the fact that these foods are considered aggressors implies that their consumption should be avoided, since they also contain important nutrients for the body.

The care, they need from Lazarraga, it is in the quantities that are ingested of these foods, since it is essential to regulate the way in which these ingredients are integrated into the daily diet. As they explain, the ideal is that type E foods do not exceed 25% of the total amount of a plate of food.

How to identify if glucose is elevated?

Also called blood sugar, glucose can be obtained from food intake and is used by the body as a source of energy. This is transported through the blood and allows the proper performance of body functions.

According to the portal on health Healthline, people, especially those with diabetes, need to pay attention to their glucose levels. Also, they explain, a healthy range is between 90 and 130 milligrams per deciliter before eating. After normal food intake, these levels should not exceed 180 milligrams per deciliter.

Some signs can indicate an elevated glucose level, so it is important to pay attention to any of these symptoms. WEEK points out five warning signs that experts have shared:

  • Polyphagia, or increased appetite, such as a feeling of persistent hunger.
  • Fatigue, or a feeling of permanent tiredness, even if a routine that requires a lot of effort is not performed.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Blurry vision
  • Stress

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