Small chance of a comeback: 777X delay is a glimmer of hope for Lufthansa’s A380

Lufthansa will have to wait until 2025 for its first Boeing 777X. The airline is therefore negotiating alternatives with the manufacturer. And the pitch to the A380 also changes.

So far, Carsten Spohr has left no doubts regarding the super jumbo. «Of course, the A380 is not coming back», said the Lufthansa boss in the summer of 2021 in an interview with analysts. At the beginning of April 2022, in an interview with Spiegel magazine, he emphasized once more: “It’s finally over” and “She won’t be coming back to Lufthansa”.

Since then, however, Boeing has announced another delay in the 777-9, of which Lufthansa has ordered 20 examples. The first of the jets should now only come in 2025. At the end of last year, deliveries were expected to start in 2023.

Discussions with Boeing regarding other models

Now Lufthansa needs a replacement. On the one hand, they are talking to the US aircraft manufacturer regarding “where Boeing can still help us, for example with additional aircraft of other types,” said Spohr on Thursday (May 5) in an interview with journalists. In addition, the market for used long-haul jets is still being looked at.

In addition, according to Spohr, Lufthansa is looking at: “What else do we have in-house that can be airlifted in summer 2024 and summer 2025 – where we have to assume that capacities cannot be flown by 777X.” The scheduled buffer fleets are long-haul Airbus A340-300 and A340-600 aircraft.

Spohr speaks of “Option A380”

Then Spohr commented on the super jumbo. “Keyword A380: Since our position has not changed,” said the CEO. But then he added something that didn’t sound as definitive as before. “I’ll tell you quite honestly: If the demand was so strong that we were even forced to pull the A380 option once more, I would be the happiest person,” says Spohr. From today’s perspective, however, this is not yet necessary.

Lufthansa has 14 Airbus A380s, all of which were parked for the long term as a result of the Corona crisis. Six of these aircraft are already sold back to Airbus. They will return to the manufacturer between October 2022 and November 2023.

Very disappointing for all of us

With a view to the delays at Boeing, Lufthansa’s CEO said: “Assume that we will be paid for our patience.” Delays would always be converted “into some kind of financial concession”, for example in discounts. “That’s why we can deal with the issue and with Boeing, even if it’s very disappointing for all of us,” says Spohr.



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