A Saudi newspaper launches a heavy-caliber attack on Hariri

Okaz newspaper opened fire hard on Prime Minister Saad Hariri and his political performance in general and his “electoral” performance in particular. She said, “Saad Hariri rendered the greatest service to his father’s killers by calling for the Sunni community to boycott the elections to vacate the electoral arena for the terrorist Hezbollah and the Aounist movement at the expense of his homeland Lebanon and at the expense of his sect, and it is not surprising that whoever sold his father’s blood in exchange for not opening the corruption files in which he was involved, will not hesitate in offering sacrifices of contentment to the enemies of Lebanon in order to preserve its personal interests. And she considered that “Hariri today is working to scatter the Sunni votes, and abstaining from voting – in the upcoming elections – means that the Sunni seats will go to the allies of Hezbollah, the historical enemy not only for the Sunnis but for all the Lebanese who once trusted Saad.”

It is not unusual for the famous Saudi newspaper to launch an attack of this caliber once morest Hariri, according to what diplomatic sources tell Al-Waqaziah. In the timing and source of the targeting, there is more than a heavy and weighty message. After there was a lot of talk regarding a Saudi push led by the Saudi ambassador, Walid Al-Bukhari, in cooperation with the Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abdul Latif Daryan, and the Sunni political references, most notably President Fouad Siniora, to break Hariri’s decision, it became confirmed following this article, that the official position of the Kingdom’s leadership is in opposition to Hariri’s decision not to participate in the elections, and he sees it serving Hezbollah.

In terms of timing, the article came on the eve of the start of the first round of voting in Lebanon’s 2022 elections, which begins Friday in the Arab countries, as if its goal was to awaken the enthusiasm in the Sunni street, especially the hesitant, cold or responding to Hariri’s calls, to mobilize and urge them to vote and alert them to the dangers of the boycott Which will only benefit the opponents of Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and his killers, according to the newspaper.

Everything became clear, then, and all the papers were exposed and opened on the table. Will the Sunni environment respond to the calls for participation, or will it prefer to rally around Hariri? Is it possible for this article to push Hariri himself to reconsider his accounts, and to announce in the last quarter of an hour his reversal of the decision not to participate in the elections, or at least leaving his party free to determine their options?



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