Dr. Sánchez Castro, awarded by the College of Physicians

The Official College of Physicians of Ciudad Real has awarded the seventh Awards for the Best Final Degree Projects

The Official College of Physicians of Ciudad Real has awarded the seventh Awards for the Best Final Degree Projects (TFG) “Professor Juan Emilio Felíu Albiñana”, which recognize and distinguish the work and dedication of the students of the Faculty of Medicine from Royal City.

  • First prize: Lourdes María Sánchez Castro.
  • First runner-up: Mª del Carmen Martínez Laguna.
  • Second honorable mention (shared): Verónica Valdepeñas Cea and María Martín Martín.
Ciudad Real Physicians TFG
Awarded for their TFG with the college president, dean, medical director of the Hospital General Universitario de Ciudad Real, and Juan Emilio Felíu.

“You will overcome all obstacles”

The awards have been given following the students carried out their last academic act before becoming doctors: defending their final papers. The winners have been Lourdes María Sánchez Castro, María del Carmen Martínez Laguna, Verónica Valdepeñas Cea and María Martín Martín.

After the awards ceremony, those present were addressed by Dr. Mª Concepción Villafánez García, president of the College of Physicians, Dr. Ana Sofía Yuste, medical director of the General University Hospital of Ciudad Real, Dr. Daniel Saiz Sánchez, professor at the University of the Faculty of Medicine of Ciudad Real and host of the act, and closing the act the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Ciudad Real, Inmaculada Ballesteros Yánez.

Dr. Villafánez recalled in the first place that the awards bear this name, Professor Juan Emilio Felíu Albiñana, “because the collaboration between the Faculty and College began with him, and then continued with Alino José Martínez Marcos, now Vice-Rector for Sciences at the Cheers, and now with the dean, Inmaculada Ballesteros”. She has shown her intention to continue cooperating and promoting new joint projects that benefit both institutions.

Enroll from fourth grade

At the same time, he explained to those present that the school has established the pre-collegiate card for 4th, 5th and 6th year Medicine students, free but with all the advantages of a collegiate “because our interest is that you form part of the College of Physicians from the very beginning”.


He also told them regarding the Training Scholarships for summer stays in Hospitals and Biomedical Research Centers, of which the seventh edition will be awarded this year and which are endowed with 1,500 euros each. “Although beautiful, you have completed a very intense stage in your training,” continued the president. «From now on you begin to prepare for the MIR exam, another period characterized by its hardness. But you are capable and with rigor and discipline you will achieve it, you will overcome all obstacles”.



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