Drug trafficking: record seizure of chira in Tangier

Elements of the Tangier police headquarters have just made a record seizure of more than 31 tons of chira on the outskirts of the city. The cargo was intended for export, according to the DGSN, which specifies that investigations are underway to determine all the individuals involved in this big deal.

It is a big blow that the elements of the Tangier police have just carried out: a record seizure of 31.197 tons of chira. The facts took place this Wednesday, April 27, in the area of ​​”Badriouyene”, located at the level of the road to Rabat, at the exit of the city of Tangier.

According to the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN), which provides the information, this is the largest seizure of chira ever made in the city of the strait. The intervention also allowed the arrest of an individual with a criminal record, aged 61. He is suspected of links with a criminal network active in international drug trafficking.

The DGSN also specifies that the searches carried out inside the warehouse resulted in the seizure of a large refrigerated trailer containing dozens of bags and bundles filled with chira. Investigations are underway to determine the true ramifications of this operation and the individuals behind it.

“We are working, in close coordination with the General Directorate for Territorial Surveillance (DGST) and the central services of the Judicial Police Directorate, to identify all the members of this network and arrest all the people involved in this case”, said the prefect of police of Tangier, Mohamed Oualla Ouhtit.

Drug to export
It must be said that the final objective of the traffickers was to get the drugs out of Morocco, with a well-studied modus operandi. Indeed, according to the DGSN, the searches carried out inside the warehouse resulted in the seizure of a large refrigerated trailer containing dozens of bags and bundles filled with chira.

Similarly, continues the DGSN, large quantities of drugs were also found inside the same warehouse, packed and stuffed into fruit and vegetable figurines, the color and size of which are likely to facilitate their exit from Morocco in as agricultural products for export.

However, the various security services had already sensed this and intervened in perfect coordination. The judicial police brigade of the security district of Béni Makada, in coordination with the prefectural service of the judicial police of Tangier, intervened in time to defeat this operation.

Elements of the anti-gang brigade, the regional intervention brigade and the canine brigade were also mobilized, without forgetting, of course, the supervision, on the ground, of officers of the judicial police of the Tangier police headquarters. .

Tanger, zone sensible

This seizure once once more eloquently proves that Tangier has once once more become a landmark for drug traffickers. Large seizures are indeed legion in the city of the strait, considered as a point of exit and export of drugs to Europe.

The presence of transit ports with southern Spain and France attracts criminals. Aware of this reality and its risks, the elements of the DGSN are maintaining the pressure on their side to overcome the trafficking networks.

Abdellah Benahmed / ECO Inspirations

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