73% of Peruvians do not trust their president, Pedro Castillo

The consulting firm Ipsos Peru revealed the results of the most recent survey on the perception that Peruvians have of their president, Pedro Castillo, showing that only 23% said they feel confident in the president and his policies.

According to the survey, 73% of Peruvians do not trust Castillo and 76% believe that they do not have the leadership skills required to lead their nation.

In addition, the study reveals that the level of mistrust has been increasing during 2022, going from 60% in January, to 70% in February and then to 73% in March.

Besides, Peruvians are pessimistic regarding the direction their nation is taking. According to the survey, 73% of them believe that they are on the wrong path and only 21% believe that it is the right one.

Among the most important problems that the country has, and that put Castillo in the eye of the hurricane, is the increase in crime and corruption, the few policies for job creation, the reduction of poverty and the control of inflation.

The survey also asked Peruvians regarding their perception of the possible detention of nephews of the president, Fray Vásquez Castrillo and Gian Marco Castillo Gómez, who have been fugitives from justice since March for alleged acts of corruption.

Regarding this, 58% of Peruvians consider that it is correct to stop them, while 30% believe that it is not because there is not enough evidence and that it would be a family persecution.

Complaint for thesis plagiarism

Added to the low popularity and confidence of Peruvians in the management of their president is the complaint once morest President Castillo for allegedly plagiarizing his master’s thesis.

The César Vallejo University of Peru announced that it has officially opened an investigation to establish whether the document, which was written by Castillo and his wife, Lilia Ulcida Paredes Navarro, would have been 54% plagiarized.

“Given the facts reported in the media regarding the master’s thesis of Messrs. José Pedro Castillo Terrones and Lilia Ulcida Paredes Navarro, the University Council of the César Vallejo University, in its ordinary session on May 2, 2022agreed to designate a commission to evaluate the aforementioned investigative work,” the private institution said in a statement.

On Sunday, the program Panorama of the Panamericana channel maintained that the thesis with which Castillo and his wife, both rural teachers, obtained a Master’s degree in Education, with a mention in Educational Psychology, had been analyzed with a software and was found to have “a plagiarism level of 54%”.

The thesis presented in 2011, of 121 pages, is entitled “Gender equity and significant learning in the area of ​​social personnel in the students of the IV cycle of the educational institution No. 10465 Puña, Tacabamba, Chota”area of ​​the northern region of Cajamarca where the presidential couple lived.

“The theoretical framework consists of 26 pages and all 26 were copied,” according to the program.

The Peruvian Government He has not commented on the complaint of the television program.

The 52-year-old leftist president, in power for nine months, faces fierce opposition from radical right-wing leaders who have promoted two “presidential vacancy” (impeachment) motions once morest him.

He has also made multiple changes in his presidential cabinet, which has not been well received by Peruvians and the world in general.

Likewise, the motions of “vacancy” They have become customary in Peru and caused the fall of the leaders Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (right) in 2018 and Martín Vizcarra (center) in 2020, which keeps the country mired in instability.



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