Sergio Massa tries to mediate in the official party: he met with Cristina Kirchner and now has lunch at Casa Rosada with the President

In an unexpected turn of the increasingly agitated and virulent internal Front of All, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Serge Massatry in the early hours of this followingnoon mediate in the crisis between Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner. as he knew Infobae, this morning the third member of the ruling coalition was in the Presidency of the Senate, meeting with the Vice President. Once the meeting was over, he left for the Casa Rosada, where he shared a lunch with Alberto Fernández. For now, the content of the dialogues, which generate high expectations, are kept in reserve, and speculation is growing regarding a possible rapprochement or the possibility of taking major political measures as Kirchnerism has been demanding.

The leader of the Renovating Front tries to appease the clashes between his two partners from the Front of All, following 24 hours during which the crossed declarations, which had been escalating, heated up to an unprecedented point. The Minister of Community Development and Kirchnerist leader, Andrés “Cuervo” Larroque, raised the tone of the questions that he has been launching for a month, saying, directly, that the Government “is from La Cámpora.” In parallel, Cristina Kirchner herself once once more questioned the legitimacy of Alberto Fernández, through Twitter.

And this morning, the fracture was evident during the first Cabinet meeting in months, headed by the coordinating minister, Juan Manzur. As a spokesman for Albertism, following the conclave, he asked not to give importance to the criticism of Kirchnerism, although he stressed that the President is the one who makes the decisions in public management. It was a response to Larroque, who joined yesterday’s reaction from the Security Minister, Aníbal Fernández, who also responds to the President.

In the hectic context, the presence of Massa in the Senate and then in Balcarce 50 triggered expectations in the ruling party, where most of the leaders expect a channeling of the crisis between the President and the Vice President, openly confronted since it was signed the agreement with the IMF. Between the two the dialogue was cut months ago, as they admitted on different occasions in both camps. At the Patria Institute they waited for an approach from the President, which did not come, while they continued with the pressure in public. While in the Casa Rosada the position was not to answer criticism and “focus on management.”

Yesterday’s peak in the internal seemed to lay the ground for a rapprochement, they slipped yesterday, in dialogue with Infobae, two bishops of La Cámpora and “albertismo”. However, no signs of a conversation had been recorded as of this morning. The visit of Massa, the third member of the FDT who maintains good relations with the two representatives of the Executive, might lead to an understanding, or to the crystallization of the rupture. While the meeting between the leader of the Renovating Front and the President was taking place, the details of the previous conversation with Cristina Kirchner had not yet been disclosed in the Senate. At the beginning of the followingnoon, the content of the incipient conversations was kept under total confidentiality, while doubts grow regarding the development of relations between the founders of the Government, when one of the hottest political moments since they took power is taking place national, in 2019.

News in development



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