Morton Mower: Medicine and science are in mourning, doctor who invented an implantable defibrillator dies

Former cardiologist Morton Mower was one of the inventors of the implantable defibrillatordevice that helped countless patients with heart problems.

Mower passed away at the age of 89. His funeral took place on Wednesday, two days following he died at Porter Adventist Hospital in Denver. The doctor was from Maryland but moved to Colorado regarding ten years ago.

Morton Mower y Michel Mirowski (his colleague at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore) began working together in 1969 to invent a miniature defibrillator that might be inserted into the hearts of sick patients. The device would be used to correct cardiac arrhythmia by means of a small electric shock that would return the normal rhythm of the heart.

“Everybody in the hospital was talking regarding these two crazy people who wanted to invent an automatic defibrillator,” Mower stated in an interview with the medical magazine “The Lancet” in 2015.

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“If something bad had happened, we would never have recovered,” he added.

In a short time, they managed to create a model of the defibrillator and prepare it for a demonstration, but It was not until 1980 that one of those devices was placed in a human beingat Johns Hopkins Hospital, the newspaper reported.



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