These are the benefits to improve the quality of sleep

Good rest is vital to recover the energy that is lost throughout the day, facilitate memory work and maintain the health of the body in general. That is why for decades scientists have provided recommendations for proper sleep hygiene that helps you sleep properly.

However, there are still many concerns regarding this topic, one of which is how beneficial it is to sleep with your partner. Sharing a bed with a loved one is not always an easy task, but can it influence the quality of sleep?

According to the Spanish Sleep Institute, some research has shown that there are a number of benefits to having a good rest. “Studies have revealed that sleeping with a partner has numerous benefits for the relationship and for our well-being, since it allows us to enjoy a good rest, be in a better mood, in company, strengthen the connection with the person with whom we share our bed, reduce stress and, of course, improve intimacy”, says the organization.

Benefits of sleeping together

First of all, sharing a bed with your partner is an act of intimacy, which implies trust and security. In fact, the portal on healthy lifestyle better with health indicates that sleeping with a loved one responds not only to sexual intentions, but also to a need for closeness.

In addition, Wendy Troxel, clinical psychologist and sleep behavior specialist, referenced by the portal The mind is wonderful points out that one of the main motivations for which couples tend to sleep together is their desire to be united in other vital planes.

Another benefit of sleeping with a partner is that it can help reduce stress, especially following a difficult day. Among the recommendations for proper sleep hygiene is having an ideal, quiet and peaceful environment that promotes rest, so sharing a room with a loved one can be comforting and improve sleep quality.

According to better with health, One of the healthy routines to rest easy is to have dinner, take a shower and lie down in bed with your partner. This can help stimulate the production of serotonin and oxytocin, hormones associated with the body’s well-being.

For the Sleep Institute of Spain, most of the benefits of sleeping with a partner are associated with the position that individuals take while they sleep. I know that they sleep embraced, in a spoon, on their backs, separated, each of these postures influence rest. Sleeping in each other’s arms, for example, in addition to being one of the most romantic positions that indicate commitment and love between the couple, is an indication that the person enjoys the closeness of the other and has a desire for protection.

In this line, better with health explain what During the break, ties of complicity are woven with the loved one, since this time that is shared at night also becomes a space to talk regarding dreams, future plans, expectations regarding life and other issues that favor harmony. intimacy between the couple.

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On the other hand, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Northern California showed that sleeping with a partner helps control blood pressure levels. According to the work referenced by better with health, sleeping cuddles helps increase the release of oxytocin, which improves blood pressure.

“The specialists maintain, in the conclusions of different investigations, that sleeping together has beneficial effects, since it increases the REM phase of sleep and, in addition, the two people tend to synchronize the architecture of their sleep. They believe that sleeping with a partner might give an extra boost to your mental health, your memory and your creative problem-solving skills”, concludes the Spanish Sleep Institute.



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