Máximo Kirchner called for “interpreting the yearning and pain” of the people to win in 2023 | The deputy criticized the Minister of Economy for “not getting into power disputes

From Baradero

In the preview of Labor Day, the Buenos Aires PJ held a union plenary in Baradero that, as a sounding board for the latest burst of criticism from Kirchnerism towards Martín Guzmán, warned that the national government must deepen its redistributive policy if it wanted to dream of a victory in 2023. The person in charge of closing the act was Maximo Kirchnerwho charged once morest the business community, former President Mauricio Macri, the agreement with the IMF, the media and the Minister of Economy himself. “How come our Economy Minister Martín Guzmán says that he does his job but that he doesn’t get involved in power disputes? And then what are we going to do?”, harshly questioned the leader of La Cámpora, who claimed that the State must “intervene” to prevent the worsening of the social situation. Beyond the darts, Kirchner’s tone was calm, centering the responsibility of businessmen “who put on a distracted face” in the speculative escalation of prices, and calling for whitewashing internal discussions “without getting angry.”

“One looks at the generosity and prudence of the workers during the pandemic. Of the workers and the State putting resources so that the businessmen who received help from the workers might cope in the best way. And now it is necessary for the businessmen to say present once and for all. Because if not, how easy: the worker puts the salary, the State the ATP and the business community puts on the face of ‘I was not'”, attacked, in one of the first sections of his closing speech, the president of the Buenos Aires PJ, Máximo Kirchner. He was heard on the other side of the stage, located in a Luz y Fuerza union campsite in Baradero, by a hundred Peronist union leaders from Buenos Aires who had been participating, a few hours before, in various commissions to discuss the problems they were going through today. formal workers.

Darts to Guzmán and also to the President

Behind the questioning of the business community, whom he blamed for the rise in prices, was the main claim of the leader of La Cámpora to the national government: “The State must intervene. Because if we want technological development, human development must first exist. What use is it to me to have technological development if I don’t have human development and I have poorly fed children?”he pointed out, following questioning Guzmán for saying that he did not get involved in “power disputes.”

The darts, however, were not only aimed at Guzmán, but were aimed higher. Although he recognized Alberto Fernández for having promoted concrete measures to deal with the pandemic, such as the IFE and the ATP-“I don’t drop my rings for recognizing things that are done well”-, Kirchner also sent a poisonous message to the president when he recalled the 2021 defeat: “Political errors also affect our society. That is why we have to be more attentive and not get angry when we want to debate and discuss, because that impacts and then slows down or directly stops the march of a government”, he maintained, recalling that the FdT had renewed only 15 of its 18 national legislators in the Province of Buenos Aires. At that time, the mathematical chicane of remembering that one of the lost seats had been the product of the president’s alliance with Florencio Randazzo was not spared.

“The best way to build a victory in 2023 is to understand 2019”said Kirchner, who highlighted how his mother, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, had made a “good reading” of what was happening. “What the FdT did was interpret the pain of the people and the desires of the people and acted in that sense. That is what we have to do as a governmentand understand that nobody here is a victim of anything,” he stressed, looking ahead to next year’s elections.

On stage, standing next to Máximo Kirchner, was also present the vice governor of Buenos Aires, Veronica Magariothe mayor of Baradero (and leader of SMATA), Esteban Sanziothe deputy vanessa siley (Judicial), Walter Correa (Tanners), Omar Plaini (Canillitas), among others.

Yasky and an applauded speech

One of the most applauded speeches was that of the national deputy and general secretary of the CTA, Hugo Yasky, who, in addition to remembering the struggle of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo on its 45th anniversary, evoked the “insurrectionary” origins of Peronism. “Peronism is not a leadership leadership that asks businessmen to see if the wealth can be distributed. Peronism sets the conditions and sets them with the people in the street,” he exclaimed and, while all the first lines present stopped from their seats to applaud him, he added: “We want unity because we are convinced that with unity we are invincible, but unity is not obsequious. Unity is not bowing our heads and saying yes when we know there are things to change.”bramó.

Before Kirchner spoke, there were many speeches in favor of unity – like the one by the mayor of Baradero, who called for fighting “everything we have to fight behind closed doors” but knowing that it is “fundamental” to maintain unity because the “enemy “was elsewhere – albeit always with some ad hoc warning regarding the need to change economic course.

The plenary document

The document signed by the more than 80 trade union organizations that participated in the plenary emphasized, precisely, the need to redistribute income and align workers’ wages with rising prices. “We need urgent action, as Néstor Kirchner did when he announced ‘that the problems of poverty are not solved through social policies, but through economic policies’, it is time for the State to accommodate this imbalance and provide salary increases by decree”, He supports a part of the document that, when it was read by Vanesa Siley on the spot, aroused all kinds of applause. Néstor Kirchner’s phrase was not accidental, but reproduces, almost identically, what Andrés “Cuervo” Larroque had fired, as a dart at Guzmán, in an act in Florencio Varela a few days ago.

There was an evident economic growth but the issue is that redistribution policies must be implemented. And those policies are made by Economy, not Social Development because you can double the amount of the Food Card but that is not income distribution. Distribution is when capital and work equally distribute the income”, pointed out the senator Juliana Di Tullio a Page 12a few minutes before the act began.

A few meters from there, near one of the multiple buildings of the Luz y Fuerza property that brought together one of the four commissions organized for the plenary – Registered Work, Health, International Monetary Fund and Wages and Prices – Omar Plaini held something similar: “We are in a complicated situation in which the government has to make decisions. The discussion happens because there is a sector that considers that articulating with the sectors is enough and then there are us who believe that the State should adopt a regulatory role in the socioeconomic process. “assured the general secretary of Canillitas that, beyond the internal differences, he highlighted the “historical fact” that the union branch of the PJ had organized an act of more than 3 thousand union representatives.



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