Won Hee-ryong “Reconstruction of the 1st new city, proceed in an orderly manner”

[인사청문회 오늘 개막]

Reveals a more cautious approach than speed warfare
Controversy over the setback of promises “enactment of special law”

Won Hee-ryong, the planning chairperson of the Presidential Takeover Committee and candidacy for the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, repeatedly said, “We will proceed in an orderly manner within the term of the new government,” regarding the reconstruction of the first phase of the new city, which has recently grown in controversy.

Candidate Won met with reporters right after the briefing of the planning committee at the transition committee in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the 1st and said, “After the new government is inaugurated, I will create a task force for the first new city and rush to enact a special law.” However, he said, “If (the reconstruction of the first phase of the new city) is completed in one day, there will be chaos,” and said that he plans to approach it prudently in the mid- to long-term rather than engage in a speed battle. In a written answer to the ministerial candidate’s personnel hearing held at the National Assembly on the 2nd, he said, “For the first new town, a master plan should be prepared in terms of re-creation of the entire city (not individual regional development).”

Such remarks seem to be conscious of the ‘controversy about retreating from the 1st new city promise’ that has recently surfaced ahead of the local elections in June. The transition committee took a step back on the 25th of last month as housing prices in the first new town fluctuated after the presidential election, saying, “We will review the reconstruction of the first new town as a mid- to long-term task,” and residents protested. Candidate Won emphasized the prudent deregulation on the premise of stabilizing house prices. In a written response to the National Assembly’s personnel hearing, Candidate Won opened the possibility of lifting the green belt by stating that “in principle, we will preserve it, but if it is unavoidable, we will consult with relevant agencies” regarding the “removal of the restricted development zone (green belt).”

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Correspondent Dongsoo Choi firefly@donga.com

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